Frankfurt Pig

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

welcome to Germany

miei cari, today I went to my 3rd volleyball lesson. First of all, I can't remember anything. Well, I'll learn again. The other funny thing is that the showers in the womens' changing room did not work, so we went to the mens' one. And obviously there were also men. And, since we are in Germany, they all got naked and went under the shower, I mean men and women alike. And since I am a modern girl, I thanked god that I had shaved this morning and I went as well. Weird. The funniest part was thinking what would have happened in Italy in the same situation.
Then I decide that I want some sushi to bring home to eat. So I go into town to get some. OK, it was 10PM, but there is the huge car fair so I assumed that bloody German restaurants would stay open longer. Mistake. At 10 sharp they close. Farewell to sushi.
And then I arrive home, starved like a stray dog, I open the door of my building and find myself face to face with a policeman. He asks me on which floor I live, I say 4th and start swearing in my head because I thought that someone had done something to my flat or that they found all the fines that I didn't pay. Then he asks me whether I know of a Romanian neighbour, I say no and walk to my flat. There are other 2 policemen on the 2nd floor, so I realize that the weird woman that was living there was probably who they were referring to. Funny thing is that some days ago I was talking to someone, can't remember who, and told him/her that I thought that this neighbour was a prostitute. Hope she didn't get beaten up.
And now I am waiting for my minestrina to get cooked...


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