Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, August 05, 2007

promotion night at the Seidels'

It was funny how Naka and I got promoted. We are pretty close, probably because of a similar way of approaching work and situation (i.e. working a lot and being very open about our opinions, we should hire more Southern Europeans for fuck's sake); and we also like Alessi a lot:-) So my bosses tell me that I am going to get promoted, and I get out of the room feeling very nice but also kind of scared because Naka has been doing a pretty good job and she deserves a promotion as well and I wasn't sure whether she would get one. So we start 1 week of bullshitting, because I didn't know how to start the conversation and tell her, and she the same (because, thanks God, she got promoted the same day). Sometimes I hate it in this company when everyone knows something but you are not allowed to say. Anyway, all's weel that ends well. As said, we get promoted the same day. So we decide to to make a party. I organize a night at Zur Sonne, she couldn't come because her parents were visiting. So she makes a barbeque on Sunday. It was really nice and I could practice some German since her husband (hello Peter! you bastard;-) ) tells everyone to talk to me in German. Which is fine with some people, less with people that I cannot understand, like her neighbour. Then I start playing some drums. And then I figure that I should get back home because tomorrow is the official announcement day, and I'd better look like a human being. Nice steaks. Nice beers. And we are good:-)


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