Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, July 22, 2007

does Harry Potter die?

well, I'm not going to tell you :P
This to say that I have just finished reading the last Harry Potter book. Not bad, to be honest. The very last chapter is slightly moronic, but I assume it leaves some opportunities to the author to write some more books in case she needs another couple of billions in the future.
By the way, I am back home, yesterday I eventually managed to find some partners in crime (Petero and Tina) and we convinced the whole group to go eat Indian food. Really good. And today for breakfast I had the I-don't-know-what-it's-called-nor-how-it's-spelt-thingy-with-blätterteig-and-cheese that Jasmina cooks. Taaaaasty. Then nothing worth mentioning, apart from Harry Potter and 3 loads in the washing machine.


  • I knew I should have checked your blog earlier - it is now too late to start the washing machine :-(

    By Blogger Captain Catan, at 12:35 AM  

  • Harry Potter dies on page 723 ! Those are the magical pages after the book ends on page 650 or so.
    If you can not read those extra pages, then I am afraid you waasted a lot of money and time on the 7 books ...ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

    By Blogger Jack, at 11:56 AM  

  • by the way.... I never read any of the 7 books. So I can not confirm or deny any of the allegations that I am making and can not take any further questions. Thank you.

    By Blogger Jack, at 11:58 AM  

  • This just in. Hogwarts is flooded and Harry Potter drowned.

    By Blogger Captain Catan, at 9:11 PM  

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