Frankfurt Pig

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I'll stay at home on my birthday so I can sleep

cari miei, since today is my birthday (hint!) I decided to stay at home from work so that I could sleep and hopefully slightly reduce the chances of getting wrinkled like a shar pei before even getting 30.
So, in sequence,
- 7:42: sms from my aunt
-7:54: sms from my other aunt (my mum has 3 sisters, merda)
- 8:04: phone call from my parents
- 8:45: sms from my mum saying that it was still 10 min to go until I was born
-8:55: sms from my mum saying that at that moment I was born
After this, I don't know why, really, I decided to get out of bed, before I get the phone call from the remaining aunt (with cousins that have a tendency to shout while singing happy birthday).
So now I am having breakfast and then I will go shopping for tonight; David told me that there is an Italian store where they have all the Mulino Bianco cookies and where they also have a salumeria where you can actually order some etto (100g) of this and that. Worth a look.
Tentative menu:
- spiedini colorati (tomato, cucumber, feta, basil)
- fleuron guarniti (pasta sfoglia, tomato, olive paste - I have it from spain - mozzarellina)
- snack saporiti (gorgonzola, tomato)
(all this assuming that I can find some decent tomatoes, otherwise I am screwed)
- salumi
- sopressa
- mozzarelline
- simil-parmigiana
- fusilli with safron
- risotto con salsiccia (assuming I can find the salsiccia), if I have time in unortodox form
secondi: I assume we won't need any secondi after all of the above.
dessert: would like to make a crostata, but have never made one before and I am pretty bad at making cakes (or anything sweet, for that matter).
Yes, it's so hard to be 18...


  • it is so funny with the "salsiccia" - yesterday i was at home sick and watched the simpsons - they went to italy with the italian car of mr. burns (long story) and met sideshow bob and his italian wife and kid. the wife was called "salsiccia" - i had to laugh because at the climax of the episode they started throwing italian words at each other, without any reference to anything.

    Aaaanyway - what I really wanted to say was "appy Birthday to you" and also that i am (surprise :-)) - totally looking forward to the dinner tonite:-)

    see you soon!!!

    By Blogger Captain Catan, at 2:20 PM  

  • Ricetta della crostata:
    125 gr di burro
    125 grammi di farina
    100 grammi di zucchero
    scorza di un limone
    1 uovo

    mescola bene farina,burro,zucchero, scorza grattuggiata del limone e uovo. metti la pasta nel domopack e lasciala in frigo per 20 minuti (così frolla). dopo stendi col mattarello 2/3 della pasta e la metti in una teglia imburrata e infarinata, ci aggiungi la marmellata e sopra ci metti la pasta restante a striscioline ( versione originale: potresti fare tanti piccoli cazzetti e spargerli sulla marmellata). Cuoci a 220° per 20 minuti!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 3:16 PM  

  • .giò sei una grande!! peccato che abbia chiuso il compuitero prima di vedere la ricetta... quindi ho comperato una torta con le nocciole e l'ho ricoperta col cioccolato, che male non fa... ma mi riprometto di verificare la ricetta prima possibile. oddio domani devo andare a laurà... come mai farò? Domanda filosofica alquanto appropriata, e chi s'è visto s'è visto. ossequi

    By Blogger alba, at 1:48 AM  

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