Frankfurt Pig

Thursday, June 14, 2007

no, I don't think you can overdose on vitamins

Cari miei, yesterday Jasmina, Alessio and I went to the Rolling Stones concert. I was praying for 1 week before hoping that they wouldn't overdose or break a femour or something like that, because already last year we wanted to go see them and then they cancelled the concert because Keith Richards fell off a tree (yeah, right) and had to be operated to his head. Anyway, I understood that they opened the gates at 7, actually they opened at 4 and started at 7. Result: we missed Starsailor. Well, apparently I was the only one to know them anyway and I was hungry like a bull so screw you Starsailor I want a bratwurst. Anyway, after that, and after going around for all the stadium to find cigarettes, the concert started. At the beginning I thought I was at a Michael Jackson concert. Fireworks, videos, the guy dancing: to be honest, slightly boring. I mean, the music was good, obviously it would be better in a club and not in an open air stadium with echo and stuff, but it was good. But everyone was sitting down. Clap clap clap at the end of each song. Fuck it, it's rock & roll!! Where are the young girls flashing their tits?? (probably at a Justin Timberscheiße concert) Where are the guys doing all sort of drugs??? (apart from our hero Keith Richards who, no, is not on vitamins, according to the way he talked). Anyway, everything was fine and slightly disappointing until the guys go on a platform and this one moves to the center of the stadium. There, on this small stage, with only white normal lights and no fucking circus effects, the guys play. That was really, and I mean, REALLY, the best part of the concert. Keep it simple, rock our ass. opla'. Obviously the crowd goes crazy, everyone standing up (about time), clapping, dancing, singing. And behind the platform there was a huge inflatable rolling stones mouth. Really cool. After a while the platform goes back but by now the crowd is standing so at least it looks like a rock concert and not like a riunion of the circolo bocciofila (where old people gather to play bocce). And so, among light and fireworks and stuff like that, the concert ends.
- Mick Jagger for sure can run marathons and get in the first places. He's there, running, jumping, dancing, singing and I don't know what else. And he's nearly as old as my dad!!!
- Keith Richards sang a couple of songs. I don't know whether a) the guy was on heavy drugs b) the guy has been on so many drugs in his life that his brain is rotten c) the guy was bullshitting us all. But he starts saying something and his words come out super blurry, without any logical sense. I mean, a chaos. In other words, the hero of the night for the whole crowd.
- Charlie Watts, the drummer, is the only one that does not dye his hair. He's there, cool, gray hair, yellow t-shirt which he probably paid 1.5 euros in 1981 at the supermarket, doesn't give a shit, he plays. The others change shirts, jackets, dance, mimic, whatever, and he's there in his yellow t-shirt playing. You, guy, are cool.
- Ron Wood: well, if you are a guitar player in a band where 2 blurs/words of the other guitar player (Keith Richards) send the whole stadium up on their feet clapping, probably you can play it cool, sport 4 different t-shirts, dance around and collect your millions. I mean, not worse than working in a mine.
- there was a singer, the only woman on stage and pretty recognizable because she was 20cm taller than Mick Jagger and dancing like crazy the whole time. At a certain point she sings a little as main voice and, shitty bloody hell, she has a VOICE. Impressive.
- in general, I need to buy my parents a guitar and a drum, judging by tonight it can do them no harm and they stop complaining about a pain here, the blood pressure there... or perhaps it's all the personal trainers that you can afford when you have millions, don't know, but worth trying anyway. As long as my dad doesn't start deying, or to be more precise painting, his hair.

Obviously I forgot my camera at home, so I took some pictures with my cell phone. Once I figure out how to transfter them I will upload them.


  • I don't understand exactly - where did the ambulance car go after dropping them in their wheelchairs and who helped them out of the wheelchairs? And how can they sing without teeth again?

    ... just wondering :-)

    By Blogger Captain Catan, at 2:05 AM  

  • the ambulance was right next to the stage, so that we could monitor it while they were changing instruments (you never know...). As for the wheelchairs, please remember that the guys are multi-millionaires, therefore most probably they had their limbs transplanted years ago and now they function with a mix of gin and uranium. As for the teeth: you can ask my grandma if she had hers stolen at night from the glass next to her bed. But good questions.

    By Blogger alba, at 11:39 AM  

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