Frankfurt Pig

Friday, June 01, 2007

back from espain

cari miei, it's been a while since I wrote last time.
What happened in between:
- we went to San Sebastian for Blanca's wedding. It was a very nice wedding, for what I remember of it... I am told that I made some sort of a show in the bus coming back, of which I remember nothing at all. And please, just in case, delete or at least do not distribute videos/pics/recordings of whatever:-) I remember, after the bus, waiting on a street with Estelle and possibly Gaborno for a taxi to take me to the hotel. I don't remember the taxi, I don't remember the hotel, I remember nothing until next morning, when I woke up and found out that, despite being detonated, I had taken off my make up the night before. God knows how... Anyway, I loved the idea of the polaroid photos, I will start using it more often.
- The next day the weather did not look that promising, but we are in a new town and, shit, we go out! Never a decision was wronger. We end up in a full wind&rain storm, we then decide to go to the aquarium, end up at the end of a pier with a nice channel separating us from the entrance of the aquarium and then Estelle and I decide that enough is enough and have the bad idea of walking to the taxi stand to get a taxi to go back to the hotel. Result: we wait 1 hour, get even more completely soaked wet and then eventually manage to get to the hotel and cheer ourselves up with some Cola Cao (great invention, really). Afterwards, we go out (with the car, no more taxi experiences) and end up on the top of one of the hills that are around San Sebastian. We stroll around in the amusement park (yes, amusement park) and then go for dinner. Very nice food, I need to say.
- Next day I take Estelle close to Jack's hotel and then start my drive towards the plant. 2 minutes after I left her it starts hailing (which I found on an internet translator so probably it's wrong, what I want to say is that nice pieces of ice start falling from the sky). I feel very sorry for Estelle and even more for me because I cannot find the freaking highway. After half an hour, don't know how, I manage to get to the highway. After this nothing happens for the next 4 days, apart from me staying in the plant from 5:45 in the morning to whatever at night working. Good news is that everything went well. Not so good that I slept around 4 hours per night and now I feel like I am 85 years old. And I have 2 spots on my face, which probably means that my body reacted to the absence of sun light. So tomorrow, sun or rain, tired or not, I need to go walking around, before I start developing spots like a teenager. And since I am at it I will take my polaroid and freak out the bankers.
- Interestingly enough, I gathered further evidence that the security checks at Barcelona's airport are completely useless. Last night I bought some tomatoes and had to buy a cutter to slice them. This cutter has a nice sharp blade that is around 10cm long. Well, I forgot the cutter together with the remaining tomatoes and put the tomatoes in my cabine luggage. Result: the cutter passed the controls. They kind of saw it, then I took out my polaroid camera and they said "ah, vale vale", as if a polaroid is the same as a cutter. This is slightly scary, I must say. Now, this shouldn't surprise me, considering that I usually manage to take my lighter with me on planes. The only times where they got the lighter were in Milano (but then, after pleading, I got it back), in Mumbay and in Cincinnati (where I nearly got arrested when I explained to the security lady that anyway if I want to detonate a plane I can sit in the last row, wait for the hostess to be in the first row and then use matches - for some reason they didn't like my reasoning).
- We had local elections in Italy and the parties that support the government got beaten up badly in the North. I wonder whether any of these guys ever strolls around towns in the north and chat with people in the osterie; if they did they would have figured this out months ago and we would have saved some money. Welcome to chaos.
- On Sunday I will go to Euskirchen, then on Thursday I fly to Milano, go directly to Veneto to quarrel (because apparently the new governement has made a nice law under which they can retroactively calculate the value of your house and make you pay more taxes on it, despite the fact that I paid everything that was due at the right time - and then they wonder why they lose elections), then visit my grandma, then go back to Milano, go out with friends, go shopping with my mum and then fly back on Sunday. Then apparently no travel for a whole week (but never say never) and then Spain and Euskirchen (and perhaps the US). This reminds me of a habit that was common in Veneto (where my parents come from): the church would buy a pig, let it stroll around the village so that people feed it and then slaughter it and give it to the poors. This wandering pig was called el porzel de Sant'Antonio (the pig of St Anthony, since St Anthony is the saint of poor people). I wonder whether I should change the name of the blog.


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