Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, May 20, 2007

el coche is ebooked

miei cari, today I nearly completed the preparation for Blanca's wedding in San Sebastian next Saturday. I rented a car for the whole week, it was cheaper than renting it only 1 day from Barcelona to San Sebastian, also considering that we found out on Friday that I will have to be in the plant on Monday morning, which means that anyway I have to travel back to Lerida on Sunday (and lose 1 day of public holiday, shit). Which means that I can pass by Zaragoza and pick up Maria, assuming that I can find her phone number again. I also changed the plans for the outfit, now no more white sondern red stuff. Good news is that I already have shoes (bought them yesterday:-) ) and bag. Not so good news is that I have no red shirt, which will require some emergency shopping on Thursday and/or Friday. And also some pedicure, since the shoes are open and after 4 weeks of plant shoes (i.e. steel toe) my feet look scary.
Tomorrow I will be again shipped out to Euskirchen, the amount of travelling this month is reaching new peaks, but at least I expected it.
On top, I am considering going to Milano at the start of June (last public holiday of the summer), yesterday I talked it with Jasmina and we were thinking about going there together, but considering the amount of stress that Jack has I believe that it's safer if I plan it on my own. Obviously you are free to join, we could either go by plane or show our nice middle fingers to the Swiss police while they search Jean Jacques at the border.


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