Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, May 13, 2007

before I forget

our friend Sascha is making sure that I don't get sleep tonight so I'd better go keep on writing...
- the hostel Kabul is Barcelona is a nice place, people are friendly, it's very well located and decently clean (at least the girls' bathroom, Gaborno didn't seem too impressed by the mens'). But don't buy the towels, they leave little shitty red thingies all over you.
- the bar tender in the hotel said that the best ice cream in the world is from Greater's in Hyde Park in Cincinnati - yes, the world is small.
- the same bar tender said that there is an urban legend of the company I work for having a secret tunnel below the I-275. This needs to be investigated.
- I was having a shower and then I walked out naked in the bathroom (I mean, girls' bathroom in the hostel). The other girls looked at me as if I was weird and I suddenly realized that I have become germanized.
- there is a stupid game called something like "the crazy pilot" (free translation from what sounded like Swedish): we need to buy it.
- Petero is writing on his blog like crazy: at last!!
- there is this neighbourhood in Barcelona called El Born which is reaaaaaaally great. It's one of these places where I could really see myself living.
- France has a new president (well, if you are stuck in the airport for 3 hours you read magazines...)
- the paper of the cover of Wired is really nice.
- the kid in front of me in the plane was really cute, the first kid that didn't cry when taking off and landing.
- I bought a skirt for Blanca's wedding, at least I know what to wear for 1 out of 3 (or 4, depending if Carletto and Mariella invite me for the wedding) weddings that I have this summer. There were also 2 other very nice dresses but they were 1,500 and 2,500 €, which is way above my purchasing range/willingness.

And if my friend Sascha was not enough, now they are starting with the fireworks.


  • i dont know if the tunnel urban legend is true but there is a simpsons episode where homer joins this secret society and they have a tunnel from his place circumventing the traffic jam he has to normally drive through to work every day. no idea if this information helps or not, but had to mention being the streber i am.

    By Blogger Captain Catan, at 2:26 PM  

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