Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, April 15, 2007

holidays are gone

How do you know that you are not on holiday any longer? When you spend the evenings and nights of your weekend typing data in the computer (because my friends from the plant sent EMPTY files, wait until tomorrow and ohhhh the flame that you get) and writing reports. It's nice to have a review with the directors 3 days after coming back from holidays, it takes away whatever relaxation you might have saved for worse times to come. Basically we had another example of the management exponential hammering: it starts with a slight hammering at higher management level and this, like the tsunami, goes down the hierarchy, increasing in hammering power with each step, until it reaches you. Slam!
But I shouldn't complain that much, yesterday afternoon I could spend not 1, not 2, but 4 (wow!) free hours being social and pampering myself with some Alessi stuff and today I managed to go to the park for the bbq Carlo organized, despite not having the cannolicchi. And at the end of the day why should I go out when it's sunny and hot and it looks like summer when I can stay home writing reports and washing all the dirty clothes from India? The only good thing about this wasted weekend is that at least I could listen to my old Marlene Kuntz cds, it has been ages but the music is still great. Quando mi rivedrai così ricco di fiducia? Non la senti per me la campana che festeggia? (ecco, appunto)
Well, the good news is that I can proudly announce that the reports are finished so now I can go to bed and read my India Unbound book (really nice), waiting for sleep to come.


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