Frankfurt Pig

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

bullshitters international

I was having dinner in the hotel here in Aurangabad (north of Pune) when the guy sitting at the table behind me starts talking Italian, or better, Sicilian. In the following half an hour he called probably everyone he knows first of all to boast that he is in India and they are not, and then he told them so much bullshit that I was happy that the waiters cannot understand Italian because otherwise I had to hide. Especially amusing, or ridiculous, were his stories about how this Indian experience has changed his life. Consider that he arrived yesterday. Mavaffanculo va.
Purposes for when I come back:
1. I will learn the rules of cricket: I basically cannot watch tv here, there is a world championship and they are talking about cricket every other moment. Now it's getting better since India is out; good news (for India) is that Pakistan is out as well, not too good news is that the Pakistani coach was murdered, seems with poison
2. I will learn the rules of rugby: met this bunch of guys from NewZealand this morning on the plane and I felt way too ignorant. Now you want to tell me that really you cannot throw the ball forward???
Still cannot understand why people are not happy about playing briscola...


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