Frankfurt Pig

Saturday, March 17, 2007

the Italian community grows

miei cari, yesterday I had a shitload of things to do in the office, basically it was my nearly last day in the office before going to India, since next week I am going to be shipped to the plant and will manage to come back just in time to pack my stuff and catch the plane. And, to top it all, I had this shitty headache, you can imagine how nice it was to try and review/write documents, with sametime popping out every other minute and the phone ringing... Anyway, at around 7:30 I decided to screw it all and I went out with Christoph and Angie to Hemingway. We couldn't find it so we started walking around, and this definitely helped getting rid of the headache (and possibly also the couple of beers I drank later). At the place we met an Italian girl that is working with Angie, and 2 other Italian guys. Later we went to Chango (no, I really don't like it) and they were really nice. Net, we have 3 new entries in the Italian community:-) and tonight perhaps they come to Carletto's birthday party.
Note: I read on Gabor's blog of his adventures in the Indian consulate. I understand his frustration, but also I think he has no clue what real burocratic inefficiency looks like. Gaborno, try and renew your Italian passport, and then you really understand...


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