Frankfurt Pig

Friday, February 23, 2007


Italian politics is really funny. As you know, the Italian prime minister, Prodi, resigned a couple of days ago because the foreign policy strategy of his government was defeated in the Senate by people of his own majority voting against it. Now he has been asked to come back and form again the government with the same majority, since most probably they figured out that they would badly lose if we went for new elections. Prodi, however, decided to put some conditions, summarized in 12 points. Now: if there was no name under these 12 points, you could easily think that Berlusconi wrote them. They are pretty much right oriented, they make no mention whatsoever of DICO (which is the Italian-I-hope-the-catholic-cardinals-won't-kill-me law proposal for people who are living together without getting married), they say that we will keep our soldiers in Afghanistan, we will build the fast train in the north-west and all sort of other points against which some of the parties in his coalition built their programs. Obviously, all the parties in the majority signed this 12-points document, since they had started getting used to their nice comfty chairs in the Parliament. It is going to be extremely amusing to see what happens in a couple of months from now, how these morons will manage to cope with a program that is completely against what their electors voted them for.

As I always say: vota Antò Lo Puerc! Antò, un nome, una garanzia.


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