Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, February 18, 2007


yesterday was a nice day. I got a 1 hour massage, that was goooooooooooooood. The I prepared some tiramisĂș for tonight. And in Italy they had a huge manifestation against an American army base in Vicenza and there were no bombs, no clash with police, only peaceful people. I am not particularly agreeing with what the people there want, but it was extremely nice to see that it did not degenerate into a usual mess, like a lot of times happens in Italy during rallies. Especially considering that last weel there was a big police raid against some idiots of the BR (Brigate Rosse, a bunch of post-marxist moron terrorists) and the manifestation could have become a good broadcasted stage to create chaos to ask for their liberation. Sometimes it looks as if we can still remember that we are supposed to be a civilized country.


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