Frankfurt Pig

Monday, February 12, 2007


Today Heather and I decided to go shopping. After a couple of hours we decided to go eat, and we saw this nice Max & Erma place right close to the shops. I don't know if it was the burger or the fact that I got a phone call from my aunt which pissed me off enormously, but today I spent the whole afternoon and evening on Randy's sofa trying not to move because I felt like puking my guts out. We were watching some dvds and then the Grammy awards (the Dixie Chicks got shitloads of awards and Justin Timberlake is wearing the most hideous shitty white trainers I've ever seen) and I felt sick every time they showed food in a commrecial.
This is one of the days when I would need my mum with her boiled rice and cuddles.


  • I never understood the phenomenon of the Dixie Chicks, but that now they get these awards is a scandal. Aren't they doing country music? What the F***?

    BTW I envy you that you can watch a show like the Grammy's at a normal time not like us poor Europeans that are sleeping during these hours... (well most of us anyway)

    BTW - can you post a pic of this Max & Erma place? I have never heard of it but it sounds like an old-fashioned house with Erma being this fat old grandma that cooks delicious food for her cat Max or something. Just wondering ...

    By Blogger Captain Catan, at 5:48 PM  

  • Max & Erma probably was something like what you described 50 years ago. Now it's a chain that sells hamburgers and all sort of other stuff. So no poetry there... sorry...

    By Blogger alba, at 11:07 PM  

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