Frankfurt Pig

Friday, January 26, 2007

the beloved morning truck

Cari miei, some time ago I went to a training where this guy told us that it is more efficient to use the hours where someone is more productive to do the important things. I figured out that I am active in the afternoon/evening/night, definitely NOT in the morning. Ever since this training, I started going at work at 9:30-10, and when my boss, who comes at 7-7:30, complained a bit, I could tell him "hey, man, you sent me to the training!". Now the problem comes when you organize a trial in the plant and you need to be there at 5:30 in the morning. Which means that you have to set the alarm clock at 4:15 - twice you snooze the mobile phone, then you crawl out of bed, then you wear something and you go get as much coffee as your body can take before having a heart attack, then a shower and then to the plant. And since it's your trial, you want to see what happens and you stay until they kick you out of the plant because you look like a blonde zombie with the wrong make up. Well, this is what happened in the last 2 days. I feel like a truck had run over me, and over, and over, and over, and over...


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