Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Hello, Hello Bombay (Mumbai)

Cari miei, tonight I went to a party, there was a good looking guy but obviously I was too shy to do anything, otherwise I wouldn't be here writing. One day I will learn how to cope with german guys, those who look at you and do nothing so that you have to go and chat them up (what??!!??). And that day I will move to another country and be screwed. Viva il parroco.
Since I am still kind of jet lagged from holidays, and I had not enough gin tonics to collapse in bed, I decided to start planning my India trip. I checked if I can book the flight with miles and, eureka!, Alitalia now has an online booking service, so I could actually go to India on the March 23rd and come back on April 11th. I will stay in Pune on the 24-25-26 to get my dress and get used to it (the dress and India); perhaps I can try and see if I manage to ride the camel with the sari/saree (what is the right spelling? boh). I will then be there on April 6th to see if Preeti needs help (or to get some massages, just in case). On April 7-8-9 there is Preeti's wedding, 3 days long: this is great! Anyway, this leaves open what to do in the remaining days. I would like to see the caves+paintings in Ellora and Ajanta, and I also would like to spend some time in Kerala or there about. I mean, Kerala is supposed to be really nice, plus it's a renoknown center for ayurveda, which I have no clue what it is but it sounds like good massages (ohh, I looove massages) and it's supposed to be less touristic than Goa; so perhaps I can relax a bit, since this is supposed to be holidays, what the hell. Well, I still have some days to plan, and I was thinking about going to Delhi, then Varanasi (because there is the song about that), then go back to Delhi and then from there go from 3-4 days to Kerala.
I have no clue whether I chose completely bullshit places, but the more I read the guide, the more I think I should have a couple of years to see everything that I would like to. And also I would like to know how to cook Indian food, which so far is the only food that I believe I could eat every day (apart from Italian, which I was brought up with). All these spices are simply amazing, you take a shitty carrot and you make it a meal full of flavour. This is true proof of genius.
Good news is that I will be in the US in Feb, so I can go buy a decent suitcase for a kick in the ass, to be filled with spices (assuming that I learn what to do with them). ahhhh, I want to go tomorrow....


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