Frankfurt Pig

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

still alive

Cari miei, it's the 3rd of January 2007 and I am still alive. Capodanno (i.e. new year's eve) was somewhat intriguing, I figured out before that I have some nice pictures of myself wearing a hat that I stole from someone, don't know who, don't know why, and obviously the pictures need to be censored. Needless to say, I ended up on the 1st nearly puking on the lunch table with uncles and aunts looking at the nice shade of green my face had and my dad laughing his head off, asking me if I was reallyreally sure I didn't want a little bit of cabernet. Yesterday we went to the MART, the modern art museum in Rovereto. I wanted to see the exhibition of the futuristi, but apparently they took all of it away because they are now hosting Mitomacchina, a show of all the history of autos, which sounds bad if you read about it but was actually very nice. They also had an exhibition of Someone Gordon, who is this English artist who likes playing with videos. The video of the elephant was pretty good, the others were a piece of crap, but at the end of the day I am a bloody engineer so most probably cannot capture great art. Well, they are still pieces of crap. Today I will go to Padova in the afternoon, tomorrow to Milano and then on Friday I will take my Jean Jacques, packed with boxes and boxes of wine and drive back to Frankfurt.
- go to Rovereto to visit the MART
- listen to Radio Sherwood
- go to Guia to buy the pork roast, that was taaasty

And I have the guide of the best Italian wines of 2007, which needs to be further explored this summer when you are invited for the housewarming party.

And Philip Marlow is somewhat nice, even if playing it a bit too hard.


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