Frankfurt Pig

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Internal message:
Freaking bastard bloggers on my links, will you write something????

OK, today I am a bit nervous. First of all, I am on a diet because I'm getting fat like a cow. Second, today I stayed at home to write some reports, I didn't finish the second one, the data looks like crap and I HATE WRITING REPORTS cazzo. Third, I stayed at home so that I could write the shitty reports in peace and I ended up with 7 phone calls (average duration 10 minutes > 1 hour gone) and 18 sametimes, most of them at the same time (of which only 2 of friends, rest all work). I finished the cigarettes 3-4 hours ago. I have no food, apart from frozen spinach, which I like but have been eating way too often. I am finishing the orange juice. The indian take away that I liked apparently does not exist anymore. The indian take away in front of my house is crap. The döner close to my place is OK, but, shit!, I'm on a diet. The sushi that I used to call is off limits since that time that I got pissed because they didn't come, I called, ordered more and then didn't open the door. I could order a pizza but then I feel bad for the diet, I leave half of it and then it's crap tomorrow. It's 5 to 9 and I'm still here writing about what I could not order, another 30 minutes and the places are closed anyway, and then cous cous, for the 3rd night of the week (4th if you consider today at lunch).
I would need a teddy bear as big as a grizzly, some green beans with the montasio, a couple of gin tonics and a naked man (well, then perhaps I don't need the teddy bear after all). Since at the moment I am lacking all of this, I will go on writing my report. merdaaaaaaaaa


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