Frankfurt Pig

Thursday, February 01, 2007

getting ready

miei cari, after some stressful days tomorrow I will have the pleasure of working from home and also getting a new haircut (and a bit more blond, since it's been fading recently...). Also, I'm planning to go and get the visa for India, assuming that I find a place where to make pictures. And to celebrate the upcoming event, tonight I managed to convince Jaccko to go eat Indian. He nearly died on the appetizer because "it was too hot". I was fearing a collapse when he got his main dish but thankfully the waiter was benign enough not to put any chilli in it, so he actually ate it and enjoyed it. So tomorrow is more relaxing, then on Sunday I go to Spain, buy some underwear and hopefully some shoes (apart from working...), come back Tuesday and Thursday I fly to the US. Shopping baby!


  • Ciao Alba. Well at least I know from your blog where you are. I tried to talk to you yesterday but didn't reach you. I will not be there on Monday for the meeting - and now I see that you are also not going to make it (going to Spain???) well you certainly have the better excuse than I ;-)
    Give me a ring when you read this ... Ciao

    By Blogger Captain Catan, at 12:02 PM  

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