Frankfurt Pig

Monday, April 02, 2007

tutti al mareeeee

tutti al mareeee
tutti al mareeeee
a mostrar le chiappe chiareeeeee
(everyone to the beach, everyone to the beach, to show some pale ass)

cari miei, I am in Varkala for 2 days now. First of all, this place is simply beautiful. You have the ocean just in front of you and then immediately a cliff, so during the day you can go and get burned (talking from experience here) on the beach and at night you can go eat in these small cafes' on the cliff, right on top of the ocean. Really great. And I got this hotel which is the best one I have been in so far, huge rooms, AC, bathroom with tub and shower, people very friendly and helpful (yeah, OK, the guy invented this story about this alledged italian girlfriend who, surprise!, really looked like me, but nothing too embarassing and he got cigarettes for me in the middle of the night for 5 rupees more the normal price). I really like it.
There are only 2 things that I am not too enthusiastic about: 1) despite being in the real sun for no more than 30 minutes and all the rest under the ombrellone (the big umbrella you use on the beach, dont know the enligh name), my back looks like an overcooked lobster, this morning the lady of the massage nearly had a fit from laughing when I undressed. Basically I underestimated the power of the real sun. Not comfortable. 2) the shops on top of the cliff sell all sort of "Indian" crap, basically the stuff that I was buying as a teenager at the Fiera di Senigallia, shitty color washed semi-LSDed para-hippy shit that no real Indian would wear, and with good reasons, why the hell would you buy something so crap when there are much better things around??
That said, there are couple of shops that are very nice, one sells books and the other sells guess what? yeah, ok, books as well... The guy of the first one really made me feel bad, he was living 3 years in Germany and he talks really nice German, with all the shitty dativ and akkusativ right. I felt a bit miserable.
And it is funny to go on the beach and see all thiese groups of Indian men strolling around completely dressed up looking at us in bikini.



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