Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, June 17, 2007

generation umbrella...

I had a very similar conversation with Alina (last weekend in the car) and with Jasmina (this weekend in another car).
The generations before us had great music: Rolling Stones, Beatles (the clash, well, perhaps the Clash), punk, Jimi, Jim, Bob, Lou, David (yes, my saviour), Iggy, and trillions of others (because it's late and I'm drunk and I can't remember the first names of the guys of the bands...).
Our generation had pretty great music: our man Kurt shooting, more or less willingly, in the mouth, grunge in general, Radiohead, Brit pop, great Italian "rock" bands (ma ma ma marlene e' la migliooooore), e-fuelled bands, everything starting with "the" (most of it shit, but some nice) and trillions of others (see above).
Today's generation has an idiot singing about "standing under my umbrella" (and I am not putting any link to this shit because I would feel ashamed of myself if I did so).
Now, the real question is: should we start a revolution because we are screwing up the brains of our kids? Or was it also the case in the past that there was shit music making number 1 in the charts while decent bands were going unrecognized?


  • Albetta...this is the first sign that you are getting old ;) Of course it was like this also in the past ...

    By Blogger Pitwid, at 3:02 PM  

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