Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, July 15, 2007

can't walk anymore...

bellezze di mamma, as predicted I have walked all day here in Washington and now I feel as if someone transplanted 2 pieces of concrete where I usually have my feet. Not confortable.
Anyway, today I behaved like a good tourist and I have seen a lot of nice must-see monuments. I had also taken some pictures, but I think my sd card is screwed, I can't see anything therefore I assume I won't have any picture. Too bad. So I started from the hotel, which is north of Dupont circle (pretty nice area, and surprisingly the hotel is not even that expensive), went down direction downtown and ended up, somehow, in front of the White House. I wanted to get in but apparently I have to contact my deputy or governor (yeah right) or my embassy (better) to get a reservation. The guy at the entrance told me that usually it takes around 3 months to get a reservation. Giorgì, la tua casetta dei puffi allora tientela e soffocati. Tiè! - as usual there is nothing better than cursing people in your own language- Then I started walking again and saw that at the Corcoran musem they had an exhibition about modernism so I went and saw that. Actually I stopped in the first place because there were 2 lions at the entrance and they looked so stupid that I started laughing as if I had taken some psychedelic drug (at least judging by the way people looked at me). I had taken pictures, but as said I don't think I will manage to get them out of my sd card. This modernism exhibition was nice but pretty much superficial. Anyway, at least there was air conditioning...
After that I walked to the National Mall, which I found out is not a place to go shopping but is this long green strip of grass with all the monuments around. At one end there is the Capitol, at the opposite end there is the Licoln memorial, in the middle there is the Korean war memorial, the Vietnam memorial, the WW2 memorial and the Washington monument (the stuff that looks like a big long stalagmite). On the side there is also the Jefferson and the FDR (F. D. Roosvelt, the guy of the new deal and of WW2) memorials, but I found out too late when I was already away. Will go there tomorrow. Anyway, the Lincoln memorial is the one where M. L. King gave the "I have a dream" speech. Apart from that, you get inside and you see old skinny Abe sitting on his chair, and around carved his speeches. I assume the speeches are interesting if you know American history; since this is not the case with me, I just tried not to stay in the way of all the people taking pictures. Scaringly enough the chair and the whole monument is full of fasces, which gives a weird feeling being Italian. Anyway, the monument was built before Idiot Big Jaw (i.e. Mussolini) went to power so I assume they meant it with the original Roman meaning. The other stuff is nice as well, and also moving like the Vietnam memorial. Anyway, after this I went to see the Museum of Natural History, they have these huge dinos skeletons. And they also had a part dedicated to mammals, in which they said that the main characteristics of mammals are that they have hair, a complicated hearing system and their mothers made milk.. So if it's true, now I want a whale's fur. Mah... After that I went to the International Spy Museum. That was cool. I mean, they kicked us out because it was closing so I had not enough time to read all the stuff in the last part, but it was interesting. The best thing was that they had a video in which they talked about the Affaire Dreyfus(pronounced, dry - like a Martini - fuzz) and then they faked Émile Zola reading in English a piece of the J'accuse: they made such a ridiculous French accent that compared to that Gaborno and I should get the French citizenship.
After that, I somehow managed to get back to the hotel, had a shower and then went to eat in this really good Ethiopian restaurant.
Now I am pretty much destroyed and I think I will sleep really tight.
ciaociao zzzzzz


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