Frankfurt Pig

Saturday, August 04, 2007

waiting for the man

no no, I haven't started with drugs (Velvet Underground anyone?).
We are just waiting to figure out where Gaborno is, haven't seen him for the whole day and tonight we are supposed to go on the river, there should be the river-party. And, ladies and gentlemen, someone figured out that Germany is in the northern emisphere and that it's August, i.e. summer, so today we had... (drums)... SUN!! I couldn't believe it. I still cannot belive it. Anyway. Today I woke up early, went to the post, found out that when they leave a letter saying that you should go pick up something I cannot wait 3 weeks because they send it back (and now the mistery: what the hell was it? boh), then went to Metro, bought all sort of stuff to clean the house, then went to the Zeil, got my mum the books she asked for (and some for me as well, .......), then eventually found Mr Suicide, then found sales at Benetton (that is always power shopping, I go in, get the M and get out). And now I am back home. By the way, this week I got promoted (about time), so yesterday we went to Zur Sonne to celebrate and then to Sachsenhausen for some beer. All in all, life is beautiful (depite working an average of 14 hours per day, shit).
I leave you with a quote from the book I am reading now, "Absurdistan" by Gary Shteyngart (don't know yet if it's good or not, only started it this morning):
"That's ridiculous," Alyosha-Bob said, "You can't just disappear an entire German".
"There are 80 millions of them, and they all look fairly alike"



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