Frankfurt Pig

Friday, August 31, 2007

da daaaa

miei cari, I'm back! Actually I didn't really go anywhere, was simply busy. Last 2 weeks have been a little mayhem, but now things start to get manageable again. Last weekend I went to Naka's place for dinner and we stayed up until 3 something, probably 4, not really sure. We spent the whole time gossiping like crazy, which is actually pretty entertaining. So the next day I didn't wake up in time to go to a colleague's wedding; well, too bad... (by the way, today at work I get a mail from this guy asking me for data. From the honeymoon. I really really don't understand). Then on Saturday there was the Museumsuferfest (I love German, such nice and short words...); basically this is the river party on the Main, Frankfurt's river. The best thing is that someone remembered that it's still sunny so we go really nice and warm weather. There were events, all sort of stands selling junk, places open until late. The best stands are obviously the ones at the end on the Sachsenhausen side, the kind of "alternative" ones with cute electronic music. And then we discovered what Yolanda describes as "the best cocktail bar in town" - best for her for sure, since she lives around the corner... - Needless to say, I came back home at 3 something, probably 4, not really sure. The next day, at 9:30 (in the morning) I was ready on the river to take pictures of the guys in the dragonboat race; they came last, but it was nice. Then I had people over for dinner, then went with Friederike to the river to see the fireworks, got another beer and eventually managed to reach my bed at midnight, probably 1, not really sure.
Other interesting thing is that German mosquitos decided to wake up all of a sudden and meet at my place, specifically in my bedroom. I woke up on Monday morning, nicely hungover, with mosquitos bites:
- on both my feet
- on my fingers
- on both my ass cheecks
- on my face
- and then I can't recall where else.
So on Monday night I take my anti-mosquitos spray from India, spray myself all over and go to bed. I mean, it worked with nice voracious Indian mosquitos, why shouldn't it work with anemic German ones? As you might have guessed, I spent the whole night fighting the fucking things, quite unsuccessfully, so I end up going to the office on Tuesday looking like a Vietnam veteran. Tuesday night I was simply too tired to fight, so I somehow slept and woke up like elephant man (or woman, to be precise). Then on Wednesday I go to Euskirchen, before leaving I decide that I want a nice chemical shit that most probably will cause me some sort of cancer, but, shitty hell!, I need sleep! Well, I can't really find it, so I end up buying this ultrasonic thingy that you plug in and apparently repels all sort of insects by emitting some ultrasound. Well, I am not a dog, but I hear this "tziiiiiiiiiiii" all the night. But, power of German technology, it works! So, apart from this sound, I can eventually sleep. Now I will eat something and then get out of here before I feel too sleepy and decide to go to bed.


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