Frankfurt Pig

Thursday, September 06, 2007

NEWS: I am not blond anymore

cari miei, this great technology called DSL reached my parents' house so now I can surf freely; apparently even faster than in my own house, which probably means that I need to change contract. Today I went to the hairdresser and decided that after more than 10 years as a blond (with a little punk red, turning pink, and light brown intervals) I was going to get draker than I have ever been in my whole life. So now I am dark brown and it looks really weird but not bad. And at the end of the day it's better to be tall and dark haired if you live in Germany, makes you somewhat recognizable. And I can put all sort of weird waxes to make my hair look shiny without looking shitty dirty.
Apart from this pretty significant change, I have also, for the very first time in my life, realized that there are a lot, and I mean A LOT, of non Italians living in Milano. Realllllllllyyyyyy a lot. And they all talk really nice Italian; which is probably due to the fact that noone talks any other language, so if you want to survive you'd better learn it. Amazing.
And also it always takes me 1-2 days to not get shocked by the mess Italian people make when we talk; you know, you come from Germany where people look badly at you if you breath slightly harder, and then tonight on the bus this girl from Sardegna was shouting at her parents because she wanted some bullshit to get recorded from TV - "Ho detttto premmmi la errrre - dove? - si', sulla destra - EIA - si' premmmi quelllllo". f a n t a s t i c o
And today I bought the new Economist where Google is on the cover. The article shares insights on the past and some ideas and concerns for the future, like people might not really like the kind of BigBrother approach. And tonight I log on my blog and everything - surprise! - is in Italian. Scaryyyyy. Gaborno, I am sure you would love this shit.
And Pavarotti is dead and every single news report is on him (including the one my mum is listening to right now, most probably she is sleeping on the sofa). To be very very honest, I did not like the guy. I liked the way he sang classical music. I found the rock-pop music hideous. And I really didn't like the fact that the guy did not pay taxes and then, since he is fucking Pavarotti, he gets a discount on the fine and signs it in front of TV cameras with our idiot Finance minister grinning (you idiot! do you know how much money he stole??? what the fuck are you smiling about!!). That said, passing over is not that nice, and doing it because of cancer is pretty painful on top. So, dear Pavarotti, I thought and still think that you were a great tenor and a slight dickhead when alive, but I wish you all the best wherever you are. Amen.

Tomorrow to Macedonia!!


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