Frankfurt Pig

Monday, September 10, 2007


miei cari, I am just back from Macedonia (and Italy), so I assume it's time for the summary of the past (long) weekend:
- on Thursday I woke up really early, somewhat tried to clean my flat and then took the plane to go to Milano. They upgraded me to business class (which, being the plane really small, means I could sit in the first 2 rows). The flight was uneventful, and I arrived in Milano in time, with luggage. Apparently not all the people had the same luck: Alitalia decided that Petero and Tina didn't really need their luggage and decided to leave it somewhere. Anyway, I arrive home, I bullshit around a bit, I install my dad's internet connection to go online and for some reason this screwed up all my settings. I don't know exactly how I fixed it now, I hope I haven't screwed up all the settings on my computer otherwise tomorrow at work it's going to be funny... And I went to the hairdresser, for more details read the other post.
- on Friday I was pretty much desperate because I had nothing to wear over my dress. So, as a last resort, I stop at this outlet on the way to the airport and I manage to find a little nothing with exactly the same colours of the shoes. Still have no bag, but you can't really be perfect... I meet Gaborno and Estelle at the airport and we fly to Macedonia on this small little plane named after Giulio Natta, so I could show off because I know who the guy was. Well, my department at University was named after him, so it wasn't really that complicated, but still people looked kind of impressed - or just kind to me, who knows :-) We arrive in Skopje, at the airport Alexander The Great: that sounds kind of funny, as if the airports in Milano were called Giulio Cesare and Ottaviano Augusto. Anyway. The weather is kind of shitty, raining and cold, and we start wondering how we will manage to survive with our little summer dresses. We get our taxi and drive to Ohrid, with the driver thinking he is some sort of Schumacher and Estelle nearly feeling sick next to me. We arrive there, get to the hotel, really nice, meet the the other guys and get out for dinner. Some of the others decide to go have some drinks after dinner, but I am feeling so cold and tired that I go back to the hotel and try to fix my nails.
- on Saturday morning we get a town tour, really interesting (thanks Jamina for organizing this!). And, m i r a c l e, there is sun and it's not so fucking cold anymore. Then at 1 we have the appointment to the hairdresser. I tell the girl to make my hair down, and I mean DOWN. So after she is done I had this monstrous bob, but I could stop her before she put some hairspray. And then the guy really made it down, so that was safe. Then next door there is the lady who puts make up, never had anyone putting make up on me so I decide to go and ask her for something "natural". Probably the lady's idea of "natural" is slightly different from mine, so I end up with a half cm layer of fundation, really heavily kajaled eyes and a rainbow on my eyelids. Funny. And once Gaborno downloads the pictures I will show you what I mean. I go back to the hotel and we get ready for the wedding. First we go to Jasmina's house, really nice, right on top of the amphitheatre, a really cool location. We have a little garden party,with a band playing some traditional songs, all together with some really nice food and wine. The garden is really nice, Jamina's parents must have really worked on it because it is perfectly organized and taken care of. After that we get some buses and get a bit outside Ohrid to this old monastery. We first have a small blessing, which was kind of funny because the priest (or whatever an orthodox priest is called) reads this passage where it says that the wife should always obey the husband. Reaaaaally funny :-) Then we go to this big place and the party really begins. We get some food and some yellow fluid in small jars. It didn't take long before we found out that it was rakja, and we are told that we should sip it slowly. Which we do, for the first 2 glasses. Then we start having shots of it, with Petero leading the group. And this rakja was really good quality, because next day we didn't have headaches. Then we start dancing: the dj mixed some traditional Macedonians songs with some "normal" stuff for the guests. The traditional songs were really cool, basically you had all the people making big circles and dancing together, the locals knowing what they were doing and us foreigners trying not to screw it up too badly. The first one was easy, 3 steps on the right, kick, one step to the left, kick and the same overandoverandoverandover. The second one was more complicated, the lady next to me (then we found out that she is a professional dancer) was telling me that it is really easy, like 6 steps to the left, kick, 3 steps to the right, kick, and so on. And I really thought I was already drunk like a piece of shit, because I was always out of pace. Then the second time that they danced it I was sitting down and I found out that actually it is 3 steps to the left, jump, another 3 steps to the left and so on, not 6 consecutive steps. So I celebrated this new revelation that I am not really completely unable to dance by downing another couple of glasses of rakja. Ale'! Then there was a third dance but after staring at it for 10 minutes I still couldn't figure out what the steps were, so I didn't even try. It was fast with all sort of jumps, kicks, right foot forward, left foot backwards, right, left. A mayhem, basically. But you really appreciate these dances, especially when you figure out that they are a perfect way to cheer and at the same time burn all the alcohol. Cool. Then we had more food, more dances. Jasmina was dancing like crazy, she really looked beautiful in her dress and still I can't understand how she could dance all night and not rip the dress in pieces. Jaccko was also dancing, we couldn't manage to get him really drunk, we will do when they come back :-) And also Jack's sister was dancing like hell, it was actually really nice to see her dancing Arabic style (well, a sort of censored Arabil style, you know, with your parents watching you...). And at around 3 something we got back to the bus and went back to the hotel. It took me 3 times washing my face to kind of get rid of all the make up. Interesting.
- next day we wake up early to go for breakfast and then we go out for a coffee and for some shopping. I got my tomatoes and cheese. And of course some rakja :-) even though I left it in Milan so that my parents can get a taste of it as well. Then we get our bus and go back to Skopje to the airport. The plane was late, Petero and Tina lost their connection and the fuckers from Alitalia didn't even want to pay their rental car to go back to Geneva (Petero had to fly to Dubai in the morning). I assume they won't fly Alitalia ever again in their life, and honestly it is perfectly understandable. So I go home with Blanca and Maria, we try to get some pizza but it was already closed, so we just cooked some pasta and went to bed.
- this morning we woke up, I took Blanca and Maria to the metro station so that they could enjoy some shopping, then managed to meet with Alina, had a coffee and some gossip and then took my plane to come back to Frankfurt.
and tomorrow Euskirchen :-((


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