Frankfurt Pig

Saturday, February 23, 2008

shitty French keyboard

miei cari, I am in Paris and am writing on OSte's computer. I thought the German or American keyboard was painful, but this is waaaaaaaay worse. Now, to make you understand, I will type blindly as if it was a normal keyboard so you can understand the pain.
So westerdqw ze zent to Vinicio Cqposselqµs concert qnd it zqs reqmmw good. The guw is qs crqyw qs q flozer in zinter. I discovered thqt there qre q lolt of sonfs thqt I donµt knoz. Now the translation: yesterday we went to Vinicio Capossela's concert and it was really good. The guy is as crazy as a flower in winter. I discovered that there are a lot of songs that I don't know and decided to get them next time I go to Italy. Now I am very sorry that this shitty keyoard is driving me crazy, I will write more when I come back home.


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