Frankfurt Pig

Monday, February 04, 2008


miei cari, this weekend I had some nice party -in Mainz for carnival, really funny - and some moments to think about serious stuff. The party was good, everyone gathered at Luke's house - and found out that the guy had shaved his head completely, you good, man:-) - and then we went to a big place where everyone started drinking and dancing. Cool, really. And Saturday night we had a dinner at Jack and Jasmina's place, really great food. And tonight I got invited for some great chicken at Yolanda's house.
Then, on Saturday and Sunday, in the moments in which I wasn't cleaning the house, I was reading the book about terrorism in Italy in the 70's. Actually, 2 books and some stuff on internet. This made me thinking a lot. Since right now I am kind of drunk and need to go to sleep, I will tell you more specific episodes in the next posts. However, there is one simple message I want to get across right now. And that is: the priority for a "normal" and "civil" state would be to take care of the real victims, meaning the wives and kids of the guys that were killed like dogs on the streets by terrorists. It is disgusting that so much effort is spent on trying to find solutions and work for former (I hope so) terrosists, while nothing is done for the real victims. We should be ashamed.
And that's all.


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