Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, January 06, 2008

2007, 2008

miei cari, I am back in Frankfurt and to an internet connection. Holidays have been good, I eventually managed to sleep a lot , as needed. It's going to be funny tomorrow going back to work after getting used to go to bed at 2 and waking up at 12 or later. I read a lot, had fun and learnt some new recipes.
As for every year that ends, it's time for some little recap. 2007 has been a decent year. Some highligths: my friends, here and away, always there for me - you are great. The trip to India - fantastic. All the weddings I have been to - wow, that takes guts ;-)
I have been asked what are my resolutions for 2008: to be honest I have no clue, apart from a strong feeling that things will change. How, when and what exactly is still to be defined, but the feeling is there. For the past months I have been in this undefined mood, in which things were not good but at the same time they were not bad; in simple words I was just getting bored. And when I get bored I get frustrated and nasty, which happened already in the past and didn't lead to anything good. So, my friends, cope with me for some months until I figure out what I want to do and then the fun begins:-)
So, some minutes into the new year, with fireworks cracking in the sky, bottles of merlot on the table, I was jumping with my friends, hugging each other and being stupid, listening to some songs from Hair. As said, things will change.


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