100 EUR = 157 USD
miei cari, don't worry, the title of this post is not intended to introduce a dissertation on international markets or something like that. It is simply my cry of joy (and my credit card's cry of pain) for the fact that tomorrow I will fly to the US for work and for some significant shopping. So I will spend the first week in Cincinnati and the second one in Delaware, which is extremely good because they have no sales tax (yuppppiiiii). So I have already prepared my 2 biggest luggages, almost empty, to be ready for the adventure. And I am also pretty happy about some serious travel again, it is been a while since my last big trip and I started to miss it - basically had to compensate with a lot of personal travel, which is always good however expensive and also doesn't give me the chance of getting to know places forgotten by God and civilization. To prepare for my trip I had a nice weekend: first of all I got new glasses (my beloved pinky ones got broken in the park 2 weekends ago when Carletto and I decided that baseball was too nice for us and nearly started a rugby fight), then I got a manicure (so now I am typing with very red fingernails). Then we went to Wiesbaden to dance to some East European music and to try to pull some guys. We didn't pull a crap, but I enjoyed it a lot, danced a lot and really liked the place (well done, Ute!). And today, after ironing, Gaborno invited us to taste his pulpo a la gallega: that was very tasty and I am very happy that Geborno is discovering his culinary talent. So now I will go to bed, try not forget my passport and the chocolate for Heather and here I come!!
Cara Alba... as oftenly does, the prince of the monsters makes troubles (in fact, troublemakers is the name of the american football team where I was playing :-D )
we love u so much and at the end it was time for a 2008-style new pair of glasses
chharlie, at 7:26 PM
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Perfume, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://perfumes-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
Perfumes, at 4:09 AM
hey Alba. Maybe you could buy a small monkey to blog for you. Or one for me. Maybe you already bought one and the training takes longer. I don't know...
I hope you are enjoying the US - have a nice weekend wherever you are!!! BTW - when are you coming back?
Captain Catan, at 3:03 PM
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