shitty French keyboard
miei cari, I am in Paris and am writing on OSte's computer. I thought the German or American keyboard was painful, but this is waaaaaaaay worse. Now, to make you understand, I will type blindly as if it was a normal keyboard so you can understand the pain.So westerdqw ze zent to Vinicio Cqposselqµs concert qnd it zqs reqmmw good. The guw is qs crqyw qs q flozer in zinter. I discovered thqt there qre q lolt of sonfs thqt I donµt knoz. Now the translation: yesterday we went to Vinicio Capossela's concert and it was really good. The guy is as crazy as a flower in winter. I discovered that there are a lot of songs that I don't know and decided to get them next time I go to Italy. Now I am very sorry that this shitty keyoard is driving me crazy, I will write more when I come back home.
tomorrow holiday!!
miei cari, tomorrow I will be on holiday!!! And I can tell you, I am really ready for a long weekend. So in the morning I will go to the hairdresser and then hop on a train to Paris to see Vinicio Capossela (since OSte kindly bought the tickets). So what happened this week? Well, last weekend was sort of funny. Irem and I decided that we wanted to have a cocktail dinner: the idea was to have more cocktails than anything else, but I got energized by eventually getting my EC card so I bought salmon, shrimps, martini glasses and I don't know what else and started cooking. Unfortunately I also had the idea of getting some gin&tonic: I know that this thing is toxic for me, but still I can't resist. So basically I ended up shit faced, Eugenio decided to shower himself and also to water my Frakfurt pictures with the second try of Cosmopolitan (yeah, you really need to hold the cap of the shaker...), then we (Irem, Gaborno, Alessio and I) went singing karaoke, then I only remember sitting on a stool in a doner place and then nothing else until the next morning when I woke up on the sofa. The very good thing is that the guys are so well trained that they stayed and washed all the dishes - or at least so I am told, most likely I was sleeping on the sofa by then. I somehow managed to have breakfast with Irem and then collapsed in bed for the whole Sunday, feeling miserable and reading Agatha Christie (she really wrote nice books). On Monday I went to have some thai food with Irem (well, I wanted Indian but of course the Indian restaurant in freaking Bad Soden is closed on Mondays), on Tuesday the Stammtisch, yesterday volleyball (I am getting a bit faster!!) and tonight eventually home. And tomorrow holiday!!!! There are also unfortunately some not so nice news: first Jorge and Leire will be back in Espain - Leire is already there, Jorge will move on Saturday. This is sad - however most likely it is a good choice for them, going back home and building a future. I don't know, I am a bit puzzled. And anyway this means that we will have people to visit when going to Barcelona:-) Then on Tuesday we found out that Eugenio is leaving to go work in another company; the good news though is that he will stay in Frankfurt, so we will keep contact easily. Well, all for now; now I need to find some books to read on the train and charge the ipodo.ciaociao
5 things that makes you say "shit! I'm getting old"
miei cari, this last weekend I was in France to buy champagne and chat with OSte. I bought a pretty good amount of champagne - the process how they make it is pretty interesting: you take 3 wine sorts (Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and another Pinot that I cannot remember nor pronounce) and they mix it after a first fermentation. Then they put some sugar and yeast, then put it in bottles and leave it there for a long fermentation. At the end of this the yeast is dead and they put the bottles on wooden planks and slowly incline them until they get vertical: in this way the sediments get into the bottle neck. After that they put the neck inside a very cold solution so that the wine inside the neck freezes, and the sediments with it. Then they open the cork, the pressure of the wine kicks out the piece of ice with the crap, they put some more sugar (depending on what they want at the end) and close it with the classical champagne cork. The caves where they keep the wine are pretty impressive, we went to visit the Pommery caves and they really look nice. Also, it is amazing how they have invented a money-making machine: you arrive there and everyone tells you how good champagne is, how complicated it is to make it, how expensive it is (so, my dear, you shouldn't be surprised if I ask you a bloody lot of money for a bottle). OSte and I were actually wondering whether the whole region actually produces anything but champagne; we couldn't find an answer. Well, good for them.We were also talking about a song that apparently tells you that you are getting old if you have 3 symptoms: 1) you start getting a belly (that could also mean too much beer, but let's assume the singer is right) 2) you start having kids 3) you have to pay a mortgage for your house. I think there are 2 other signs: 1) you find your first gray hair (what a great way to start your week) 2) you have a freaking back ache because you didn't pay too much attention to how you were lifting the champagne cartons, therefore cracking a muscle in your back - it's always interesting to find out that we have muscles hidden in every freaking corner of our body. So basically now I am in serious need for a hairdresser and I have greased my back with a thick layer of Voltaren, which most likely was expired since I don't even know when I bought it (or perhaps my mum gave it to me when I moved to Germany 4 years ago). So , my dears, I score 4 out of 5, and it's not that I am too proud of it. Porca puttana.Anyway, in 2 weeks I will go to France again, apparently Vinicio Capossela is playing in Paris (why? I have no clue), so OSte hopefully got me a ticket, since I have booked the train already. If not, I will just squat his house while he is seeing Vinicio. All for now. ciaociao
miei cari, this weekend I had some nice party -in Mainz for carnival, really funny - and some moments to think about serious stuff. The party was good, everyone gathered at Luke's house - and found out that the guy had shaved his head completely, you good, man:-) - and then we went to a big place where everyone started drinking and dancing. Cool, really. And Saturday night we had a dinner at Jack and Jasmina's place, really great food. And tonight I got invited for some great chicken at Yolanda's house.Then, on Saturday and Sunday, in the moments in which I wasn't cleaning the house, I was reading the book about terrorism in Italy in the 70's. Actually, 2 books and some stuff on internet. This made me thinking a lot. Since right now I am kind of drunk and need to go to sleep, I will tell you more specific episodes in the next posts. However, there is one simple message I want to get across right now. And that is: the priority for a "normal" and "civil" state would be to take care of the real victims, meaning the wives and kids of the guys that were killed like dogs on the streets by terrorists. It is disgusting that so much effort is spent on trying to find solutions and work for former (I hope so) terrosists, while nothing is done for the real victims. We should be ashamed. And that's all.ciao