Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, November 23, 2008

hell, this is early

miei cari, what the hell am I doing up so early? Good question, so since I am awake anyway I will tell you what happened in my weekend. So Thursday (which is not exactly weekend, but whatever) we went to the kooks concert. The concert was pretty good, even though I fear we increased the average age of 5 years. It was really funny to see all these teenage kids (read girls) going crazy for the band - but at least it is an improvement, since at the same age we were going crazy for junk boy bands. After that, and after around 4-5 beers, we decided to end up in Sachsehausen for some drinks, as if we needed them. After the drinks, the guys decided to go home (all of them live in Sachsenhausen) and I start looking for a taxi. After 2-3 minutes it dawns on me that I have 1 euro and 30 cents, and no ATM card with me. And that I don't have the phone number of any of the people I was with. So, after considering some possibility, I decide that I am young enough and it's not too cold, and I walk home. Thanks god I was intelligent enough not to go through the red light district, that would have been funny. Anyway, Alba 1 : stranglers/rapers/robbers 0. And I met a girl called Alex, a friend of Luke, who makes really nice handbags. Go see her online, nice Xmas gifts.
After that, on Friday my friend Gió arrived from Duesseldorf, nearly escaping a snow storm and we got ready to go see the Foals. Ladies and gentlemen, they are GOOD. It was an extremely nice concert, they play really well and it was a proper rock concert - with people stage diving and jumping. The only problem is that apparently all of them, and especially the guitarist, were drunk like cauliflowers. So at a certain point, in the middle of the song, the guitarist pukes on stage. And, ladies and gentlemen, he keeps on playing and jumping. Rock 'n'roll!!! Well, the only bad thing was that the concert was short, 1 hour or something like that, probably they figured out that they would have collapsed on stage and decided to call it a day. But still, go see them if you have a chance. After that we went to Naka's place to drink some wine and then went to bed because it started snowing. Then yesterday it was a nice quiet day, I took Gió to DOM and Kontrast and I bought all sort of junk (a pig-mask, a plastic inflatable Xmas tree, a form to make skull-shaped ice cubes, a pair of very white and very large sunglasses, ...). And then we ended up cooking at Gaborno's place but we had to leave early because Gió had to start driving back to Italy this morning early (that's why I am awake so early, unfortunately no big stories of weird nights out).
Well, I assume now I will go back to bed. ciaociao


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