Paritosh has a blog!!!!
NEWS OF THE DAY: I have just found out that Paritosh has a blog. Now the question is: why didn't he tell us?? Anyway, very well written and very interesting, so go give a look. By the way, I have added his blog in the links on the right for you to check it regularly.
thanks alba for the note on paritosh's blog. another breaking news on your blog which I cannot believe!!! Did you find it by looking at the blogs from where people come to yours? or how the hell did you find out about this?
good night!
Captain Catan, at 11:36 PM
So you figured it out... :-) Now to answer the question about why I did not tell you...I am still experimenting. I was trying to identify a theme on which I could build, but as you see it is still a bit of a mash... Never sure if people want to follow a blog, if they are not sure what stuff goes in there... I also wasn't sure how regular I'd be...
I do enjoy writing..that's what I know, so I think this is a serious effort.
Now that you know...let me know what you think...happy to taken any tips from the experienced ones...sincerely.
Paritosh, at 3:52 PM
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