Frankfurt Pig

Saturday, November 01, 2008

getting better

miei cari, eventually I got over the loss of 250 euros. How? By getting a new pair of shoes:) They look pretty hippy, apart from the 9cm heel that would have caused breakage of both ankles in case I decided to go to Woodstock. Very nice. So what did I do this week? I was in Spain for a mega meeting with all sort of people, which meant working a lot and then at night being very sociable (everything somewhat fuelled by 1866, which is a very good brandy). So basically I slept an average of 4 hours and now am in deep need of a manicure, a pedicure and a massage.
What else? Well, there are the US presidential elections, and I am very curious to see if they will really elect a black guy - I remember once being in a bar with some plant guys in Wisconsin and the comments they had... But better than voting for the lady, she is pretty clueless. Talking about clueless, yesterday night I was reading some old comments regarding our (i.e. Italian) minister for equal opportunities and the fact that apparently our prime minister was recorded on the phone saying that the lady gave him a blow job - which could explain a loooot of things.
Now I go get a shower and then meet with the guys in the city.


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