Frankfurt Pig

Saturday, April 28, 2007

ad memoriam

Mstislav Rostropovich (27 March 1927 - 27 April 2007), cellist

Saturday, April 21, 2007

poor Gaborno without internet

Poor Gaborno would like to write on his blog and check things on internet without fear of getting fired because he looked it up from the company computer (have you seen David Beckam's family jewels? we need another girl night soon). Problem is that the fuckers of Iesy did not give him the connection, so the poor soul is cut out from the world. I wanted to make a mess and have you all guys write to iesy, but Gaborno doesn't want me to. So we will have to live without Gaborno's blog:-(
Now, considering that also the other people that I have on my links do not write anymore (shame on you Pepo and Petero!), I assume I will need to find new friends:-)


yesterday night I had a really bad nightmare: a tall crazy evil guy with a big knife tried to kill me and all my family. I woke up to 2:30 and it took me some time to calm down and go back to sleep. I used to have very bad nightmares when I was a kid. God knows how I survived to the fear.
So now and I am nice and drunk, the sigarette is burning on its own and I don't even know why I lit it up and my bed is waiting for me. Tomorrow I will sleep a lot and then clean the house, so that I can avoid going even redder in my bank account.
buona notte

Sunday, April 15, 2007

holidays are gone

How do you know that you are not on holiday any longer? When you spend the evenings and nights of your weekend typing data in the computer (because my friends from the plant sent EMPTY files, wait until tomorrow and ohhhh the flame that you get) and writing reports. It's nice to have a review with the directors 3 days after coming back from holidays, it takes away whatever relaxation you might have saved for worse times to come. Basically we had another example of the management exponential hammering: it starts with a slight hammering at higher management level and this, like the tsunami, goes down the hierarchy, increasing in hammering power with each step, until it reaches you. Slam!
But I shouldn't complain that much, yesterday afternoon I could spend not 1, not 2, but 4 (wow!) free hours being social and pampering myself with some Alessi stuff and today I managed to go to the park for the bbq Carlo organized, despite not having the cannolicchi. And at the end of the day why should I go out when it's sunny and hot and it looks like summer when I can stay home writing reports and washing all the dirty clothes from India? The only good thing about this wasted weekend is that at least I could listen to my old Marlene Kuntz cds, it has been ages but the music is still great. Quando mi rivedrai così ricco di fiducia? Non la senti per me la campana che festeggia? (ecco, appunto)
Well, the good news is that I can proudly announce that the reports are finished so now I can go to bed and read my India Unbound book (really nice), waiting for sleep to come.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

new entry

miei cari, this is my new entry for the house.
Check the Campana brothers out, they are great.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

I missed work sooooo much

This morning I had 549 mails. 1 week ago I was simply going around in india on holiday. Shit.
And the sons of bitches that own my flat have been taking another rent off my bank account (so now I pay twice per month), despite me sending them 2 faxes before leaving for holiday saying that they must stop. This is the second month in a row, and they still haven't given me back the money of last month. So tomorrow I will call them and shout at them. Fuckeeeeerrrrssss.
well, as you can see, so much for the relaxation after holidays...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

back to Frankfurt

Miei cari, unfortunately I am now back to Frankfurt, which means that tomorrow I will have to go to work:-(( Preeti's wedding was very nice (and very tiring for her, I assume), 3 days of celebrations. But yes, now it's over, as my fading henna shows. When I get my card back from Gaborno I will upload some pictures.
And so, that's it for now. It was very good, and I will go back for sure.
And we will miss our Preeti, but at the end of the day Antwerp is not that far away so we will for sure go bother her.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

last words (perhaps)

miei cari, it's not that I want to imitate our Gaborno and don't write anymore blaming a hot internet point (Gaborno, next time get a hotel with internet connection and AC, what are you earning all those trillions of euros for otherwise:-) ), but simply today I couldn't resist anymore and ate a whole pineapple, some fruits (apple, watermelon, a yellowish-brownish thing that I've never seen before and given the taste won't see anymore in my life) and some vegetables. All raw. I cannot stand 40 degrees and a sun that breakes the stones (direct translation from italian) without eating raw fruits and vegetables. So perhaps I will then spend the rest of the holiday hugging the toilet... Ma chi se fregaaaaaaaa (who gives a shit) / ma chi s'emportaaaaaaa (who gives a shit, other version).

By the way, still 1 day and a half and we marry our Preeti

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

bullshitters international

I was having dinner in the hotel here in Aurangabad (north of Pune) when the guy sitting at the table behind me starts talking Italian, or better, Sicilian. In the following half an hour he called probably everyone he knows first of all to boast that he is in India and they are not, and then he told them so much bullshit that I was happy that the waiters cannot understand Italian because otherwise I had to hide. Especially amusing, or ridiculous, were his stories about how this Indian experience has changed his life. Consider that he arrived yesterday. Mavaffanculo va.
Purposes for when I come back:
1. I will learn the rules of cricket: I basically cannot watch tv here, there is a world championship and they are talking about cricket every other moment. Now it's getting better since India is out; good news (for India) is that Pakistan is out as well, not too good news is that the Pakistani coach was murdered, seems with poison
2. I will learn the rules of rugby: met this bunch of guys from NewZealand this morning on the plane and I felt way too ignorant. Now you want to tell me that really you cannot throw the ball forward???
Still cannot understand why people are not happy about playing briscola...

Monday, April 02, 2007

tutti al mareeeee

tutti al mareeee
tutti al mareeeee
a mostrar le chiappe chiareeeeee
(everyone to the beach, everyone to the beach, to show some pale ass)

cari miei, I am in Varkala for 2 days now. First of all, this place is simply beautiful. You have the ocean just in front of you and then immediately a cliff, so during the day you can go and get burned (talking from experience here) on the beach and at night you can go eat in these small cafes' on the cliff, right on top of the ocean. Really great. And I got this hotel which is the best one I have been in so far, huge rooms, AC, bathroom with tub and shower, people very friendly and helpful (yeah, OK, the guy invented this story about this alledged italian girlfriend who, surprise!, really looked like me, but nothing too embarassing and he got cigarettes for me in the middle of the night for 5 rupees more the normal price). I really like it.
There are only 2 things that I am not too enthusiastic about: 1) despite being in the real sun for no more than 30 minutes and all the rest under the ombrellone (the big umbrella you use on the beach, dont know the enligh name), my back looks like an overcooked lobster, this morning the lady of the massage nearly had a fit from laughing when I undressed. Basically I underestimated the power of the real sun. Not comfortable. 2) the shops on top of the cliff sell all sort of "Indian" crap, basically the stuff that I was buying as a teenager at the Fiera di Senigallia, shitty color washed semi-LSDed para-hippy shit that no real Indian would wear, and with good reasons, why the hell would you buy something so crap when there are much better things around??
That said, there are couple of shops that are very nice, one sells books and the other sells guess what? yeah, ok, books as well... The guy of the first one really made me feel bad, he was living 3 years in Germany and he talks really nice German, with all the shitty dativ and akkusativ right. I felt a bit miserable.
And it is funny to go on the beach and see all thiese groups of Indian men strolling around completely dressed up looking at us in bikini.
