Frankfurt Pig

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Guide to the best/worst Italian magazines - 2

Another great Italian magazine is called Pulp - rivista di libri. Also for this one there is no link - I'm starting to wonder why all the magazines I like have no web page... - Anyway, the main purpose of this magazine is to talk about books, so you can understand why I love it. In the first half they interview some unknown writers, in the middle part where they review books and in the final part they have more interviews. Ok, you would think, why should I care about some nerds talking about books?
1- usually if they say that a book is good, it is actually good; same applies for crappy books.
2- they don't review books that only come from big publishing houses, so perhaps they don't get that much money for their reviews (which could be the reason for point 1).
3- they are very opinionated, which I find amusing in times where everyone seems to think and act alike.
4- I really like the graphics: simple and clean, no bullshitting around trying to make it look designer friendly. Because at the end of the day the important thing about a book is what you write inside, not what it looks like. - Digression: the other day I went to the book shop here in the US (actually, more than a book shop it looks like a supermarket, but anyway..). It was extremely distressing to see how they pay so much attention to book covers, making them in weird shapes, strange fabrics and so on so on. Shame! End of the digression- Actually I also liked a lot the old way they used to make the review pages, the articles were written in geometrical shapes (big triangles, waves,..). It reminded me of my mum's university thesis about some weird English geometrical poets. Well, probably it wasn't really called geometrical poetry, perhaps visual poetry, but you get the idea.
There are however a couple of things that I don't like about this magazine:
1- it is only every 2 months. I need one every week!
2- you can find it only in bookstores in Italy, for some reason they don't ship it to Germany, despite me asking for it. So I have to bother friends to go get itand then send it to me. What the hell.


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