Frankfurt Pig

Friday, October 20, 2006

the magic (mushroom) of politics

Condolì, what the hell are you saying, for sure Saddam was the president of North Corea

It looks as if politicians around the world have started taking massive quantities of magic mushrooms.
First of all, the Iranian president Ahmadinejad started with saying that Israel should be destroyed (OK, no surprise here) and claiming that the Holocaust actually did not happen or at least it was not as bad as they claim it was; and being such a proactive man, he also decided to make a conference to write a real history in Teheran. I will keep you posted on what our Iranian friends find out. In the meantime, please send some anti-Alzheimer pills to the guys, they start sounding like my grandma (poor her) who insisted that I should let her go because her mum was waiting for her. Her mum died in 1956. Amen.
After that, the Russian president Putin said out loud that the Israel's president is a real man. Was he only being nice? Not really. This president, the Israeli one, not Putin, is accused of having raped 10 women. Putin also (allegedly) added that everyone is envious of him in Russia. Ehm...
Then the former prime minister of Spain decided to put a pen inside the cleavage of a tv reporter because he didn't like the question she was asking. Next time what, doggy style?
Yesterday in North Corea 100,000 people threw a party because of the nuke that they blasted. Ahhh, the beauty of democracy...
And per finire in bellezza (to conclude in beauty, which means keep the best for last), what about our great Italian politicians? Well, after Berlusconi is not prime minister anymore I was starting feeling lonely. Also Calderoli (a guy from Lega Nord) has lost his power. Prodi is boring, Rutelli is not talking anymore (or perhaps they decided not to print what he says to save on ink or bytes- and they are right), Pecoraro Scanio doesn't enlighten us anymore with his bisexual private life. But, hey, there is a tv program called "Le Iene" that decided to check whether our politicians, the ones that are in the parliament, are drugged up or not. So they fake an insterview, they collect samples of sweat from the politicians while pretending to put make up on them and they make a drug test on them. Result: a Monte Bianco of cocaine. So the tax payers were anxiously waiting to know who are the ones so that we can flunk them next time there is an election. But, hey, there is the privacy law! You cannot publish the names!! What do you mean you cannot publish the names? No no, you cannot broadcast the names because you have to respect the privacy of the people. But, bloody hell, these morons are there making useless laws while they are as high as skyscrapers for the cocaine that they buy with our money, the tons of money that we pay them to stay there and scratch their balls and I cannot know who they are????? No, privacy law... Ma vaffanculo va.

So, my dears, I go back to what I've always told you: Vota Antò Lo Puerc! Antò, un volto, una garanzia!


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