Frankfurt Pig

Monday, August 25, 2008

I am happy. I am sad.

miei cari, no, you don't actually need to call the psychiatric hospital to get me locked away. It's always the same: when things are about to change I am happy. And I am sad. Now, if I was a poet I would write something artistic. If I was a musician I would get high like the sunflower and write some monochord piece of crap and pretend that it's very artistic. Being me, I go get the stuff out of the washing machine.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

di da doo di da doooo

miei cari, this weekend is the music weekend. So yesterday I eventually got the dvd on the life of Ian Curtis. Very nice movie (a bit disturbing, but really nice), it's called Control if you want to get it. And this morning I have been listening to the new album of Kings of Leon, reaaaaaaaaally nice. And then I was looking at some new stuff and found this Ida Maria lady. She has a song called I like you so much better when you are naked - which is a general statement that is usually true and if it's not then you really do have a problem with your relationship. That said, the other songs are pretty crap. And now let's see if I find something new from css. ciaociao

Saturday, August 23, 2008

oh well

miei cari, I am at home reading all sort of interesting stuff from internet - helped by the fact that when I wanted to shut down the computer and head out I heard a big thunder outside and it started raining (surprise!) One nice thing that I found is this sort of blog called bitch, really interesting.
Anyway, this weekend I really have nothing to do. I thought I would go to Wiesbaden to see a rock festival but then I found out that it is next weekend, and next weekend I will stay in Frankfurt to see the museumuferfest (or whatever other fest there is on the river). So basically I will try to find something, like for instance rent the movie about Ian Curtis and watch it or in general getting whatever other weird dvd.
Now it stopped raining so it's a good idea to get out of here before God remembers that this is Germany and send snow.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

wilkommen in deutschland

if I was a man I would be scratching my balls right now

Miei cari, I am at home and I am not doing anything (apart from writing here and sneezing every now and then). I was supposed to go to Irem's place at 2 with a pasta salad; then she called me saying that we will meet at 4 and I don't need to bring any pasta salad. So probably every other person would feel energized by these 2 hours more and would go out and do something. But, being lazy like I am, I just cherish the idea of doing absolutely NOTHING, until the moment when the lack of nicotine will make me feel crazy and force to get out of the place. Even though I could also smoke the cigarette butts... hmmm...
So now I assume I will have to find some interesting and deep topics to lure you into reading ahead. I could start talking about the Olympic games, but I don't give a holy shit and haven't watched one single game so far. If I don't care about skeet (which apparently is shooting clay pigeons with a rifle, so I don't know why they don't call it just like that) for 4 consecutive years, why should I start now? I could talk about my trip to Mexico, but since it comes in October I will have plenty of time to talk about it (note the nonchalance with which I drop the information and make you envious). So I am going to talk about the books that I read lately. There is this guy called Michael Connelly that writes thriller books. And, my dear readers, they are pretty good, so go buy them. It is refreshing, for a change, to find someone writing interesting thriller books, the ones where you have to read until the end to understand everything. Then I read a sort of anthology about serial killers: the book itself was sort of repetitive and mainly focusing on US serial killers, but one interesting fact is that it says that nearly all the serial killers showed 3 behaviours when they were kids - 1. they peed in bed even after being 12 years old 2. they like setting fire to stuff 3. they are little sadists (like torturing animals and the like). The pee in bed part of it is what I don't quite understand. As I also don't understand why I read this kind of books. Anyway. And, to finish, I read an Italian book called Ali di babbo from Milena Agus. It is a very nice book, which I recommend (to the Italian readers at least, I don't know if it is translated).

Friday, August 15, 2008


miei cari, today is ferragosto. Ferragosto is the biggest holiday in Italy therefore, despite the fact that I live in an uncivilezed country where they don't have holidays for ferragosto, I decided to take a day off from work. Now, usually at Ferragosto it's damn hot and sunny, so you go out with friends and family, eat a lot and get completely wasted (which, apart from the seasonal weather variations, is what you are supposed to do during every holiday). This year, however, I decided to stay in Germany, so now I have my little sweater, the sky is gray and it doesn't look as if it's going to get better any time soon. So, in order to fight depression, I decided to:
1. get a haircut: now I have some sort of a bob, it looks ok, but let's wait until the first time that I wash it and dry it myself before the final judgment.
2. get a manicure and pedicure - not that I like getting a pedicure, actually I haaaaaaaaaaate it, but I felt ashamed of my feet in the last 3 days. So now I have very red finger and toe nails and I look like a woman again (in contrast with the truck driver you would have taken me for if you had seen my feet yesterday).
3. buy a very pink sweater - there is something with me and pink lately, I fear that suconsciously I am trying to transform into a pig.
I am also very proud of myself because I did NOT buy a bag for 230 euros. The bag was very furry and very pink (surprise!); unfortunately it was also very expensive. And there was also another one, very plasticky and very pink (surprise!!), but it was even more expensive. So let's wait for sales:) Or, knowing myself, for the next time I pass in front of the shop:(
So now I will clean my flat (perhaps) and then go out (assuming it doesn't start raining...)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

bc (before collapse)

Saturday, August 09, 2008

a good reason to marry

they did it!

in bayern

miei cari, this weekend i am in bayern to attend the wedding of our CHP with Angie. The trip to arrive here was sort of adventorous, especially because we did not trust the gps and we nearly had no map. At the end it turned out that the gps was right and we somehow managed to get here. Here meaning burghausen, which is this town at the very bottom of bayern, some km more and we end up in austria. Yesterday night we did a quick tour of the town and it looks very nice - ok, perhaps if you live here and you are 18 you commit suicide, but it looks cute and quiet. So now i have to get ready for the wedding: i'll try to get some pictures and post them on the go, we are supposed to have a fancy stuff in a castle.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

da daaaaaaaa

miei cari, i'm glad to tell you that lousy internet connections and shitty computers will not prevent me anymore from bothering you with the blog. Despite the fact that i cannot easily access the blog (hey, developers, why the hell only o2??), my beloved cell phone manges anyway. Alba 1: technology 0