Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Alive. And in New York:-)

miei cari, after 2 weeks of complete silence, I decided to give you a proof that I am not dead (despite the level of cholesterol after 2 weeks in the US). So what did I do in these 2 weeks? I worked. I shopped. And then I worked. And then I shopped. And, guess what?, I worked. And, surprise!, I shopped. So now that I assume you got the point, let me tell you what I bought (since I don't think anyone is interested in my job, and even if you were, I would have to kill you after I told you, which becomes a bit tricky over internet). So right now I am writing with my brand new laptop: I was going around in the electronic shop and saw this thingy there, all alone, all black and shiny. And who am I, a bastard bitch, to leave it there all alone to face his destiny?? No. So I bought it. As you can see, internet seems to work pretty fine. I simply don't have Office, but at the end of the day who really needs to write a letter? Then I bought a camera, since we had decided to spend the weekend in NY. Then I wanted to buy an i-phone but they were all sold out where I wanted to buy it, so now I have to blackmail the next person that goes in the US to buy me one. Then I bought a shitload of books, a candle holder made of carton (really cool, and also enviromentally friendly, unless the candle starts burning the carton and then the house down, I assume that would be counted as a significant increase in the carbon footprint), a couple of pots (they are cuuuuuuuute), some clothes and some other random crap. So basically I am so broke that probably the guys in my bank will send interpol after me.
So what did I do in New York up to now? I walked like crazy, basically I cannot feel my feet any longer. And since I walked the whole day, right now I am a bit tired and will go to bed. In my room. On 3rd street, in the middle of Manhattan. On the 21st floor, in front of skyscrapers. Hahahahahahahahah. OK, I think I won't have friends anymore when I come back...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

100 EUR = 157 USD

miei cari, don't worry, the title of this post is not intended to introduce a dissertation on international markets or something like that. It is simply my cry of joy (and my credit card's cry of pain) for the fact that tomorrow I will fly to the US for work and for some significant shopping. So I will spend the first week in Cincinnati and the second one in Delaware, which is extremely good because they have no sales tax (yuppppiiiii). So I have already prepared my 2 biggest luggages, almost empty, to be ready for the adventure. And I am also pretty happy about some serious travel again, it is been a while since my last big trip and I started to miss it - basically had to compensate with a lot of personal travel, which is always good however expensive and also doesn't give me the chance of getting to know places forgotten by God and civilization. To prepare for my trip I had a nice weekend: first of all I got new glasses (my beloved pinky ones got broken in the park 2 weekends ago when Carletto and I decided that baseball was too nice for us and nearly started a rugby fight), then I got a manicure (so now I am typing with very red fingernails). Then we went to Wiesbaden to dance to some East European music and to try to pull some guys. We didn't pull a crap, but I enjoyed it a lot, danced a lot and really liked the place (well done, Ute!). And today, after ironing, Gaborno invited us to taste his pulpo a la gallega: that was very tasty and I am very happy that Geborno is discovering his culinary talent. So now I will go to bed, try not forget my passport and the chocolate for Heather and here I come!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Potter Puppet

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tre allegri ragazzi morti - Il mondo prima

found it! found it!
era bello il cielo d'inverno come i tuoi denti
era bello sentire le tue mani fredde cercare qualcosa di meeeeee
era bello i tuoi piedi sopra le cosce un po' come fossimo in moto
ma distesi sul letto mio fresco
quasi come guidassi tuuuuuu
(ok, I tried to translate it but in English it sounds like crap, so either you don't understand it or you learn Italian)

ti ti dodo ti ti ti-dodo

miei cari, after a long silence I am here, completely tired at past midnight and tomorrow I have to wake up early. Shit.
I will take more time another time to write properly what happened in the last 2-3 weeks. Right now I would like to share some advice on 3 songs that I keep on listening to in the last weeks. And I don't even know why - why I keep on listening and why do I give you advice.
song 1: Il mondo prima from Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti (the name of the group means 3 happy dead guys, just to give you an idea). This is probably the best love song in years.
song 2: We and Dem from Bob Marley. I just can't stop listening to this.
song 3: Baudelaire from Baustelle (which, despite the name, is an Italian group). A man that can dance this properly is the man of my life. Disclaimer: this is the only decent song from the last Baustelle album, in case you want to download it.
Disclaimer 2: for years I thought that Hey Boy Hey Girl from the Chemical Brothers was a perfect making love song. Just to warn you.