Frankfurt Pig

Sunday, November 30, 2008

turkey de luxe

miei cari, so yesterday night we went to the Seidel's place for Thanksgiving. Every year they invite nearly 20 people and they feed us huge quantities of food - not because they are bastards and they want to make us fat like cows, actually they only try to buffer with food the horrendous amount of alchool that their guests inhebriate themselves with -. So what was the food about? Turkey (surprise!), actually 2 of them, stuffed with a looooooot of nice stuff. Then pumpkin soup. Then all sort of different breads, then potatoes (baked and mashed with sweet potatoes), then Bruxelles sprout, red cabbage, cranberries and then I cannot remember anymore. And I took my tiramisú, so at least I know what I am eating (for some reason Germans believe that you need to use cream and that you need to use Amaretto, bleargh). And then did I mention the alchool? Well, so at a certain point we end up with Peter, Naka, Sven, Zuzi and the brother of the neighbor. And before you start making all sort of comments, I would like to remind you that German guys are sort of shy in general, and this guy is a shy German guy, so it is already a miracle if he talks. Jesus. Anyway, I do not exactly recall what happened, until I saw myself in the mirror brushing my teeth with Peter's tshirt on, and Naka showing me the bed. So today I stayed at their place, vegetating on the sofa (and not even feeling too bad about it, since they were vegetating with me), eating the left overs and eventually coming back home to work (arghhhh).
So, all in all, nice weekend. And I have a pair of super flashy stockings:-)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Alba fotografa l'alba

which means: Alba (me) takes a picture of the sunrise (alba, in Italian).
Sometimes I am so poetic that I nearly scare myself.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

hell that was early

miei cari, as you might have noticed I am not exactly creative with the titles of the posts. That could probably be explained by the fact that this morning I woke up at 3:30 to catch a plane. So where the hell was I? I went home, and the best thing is that I went there for work:) I had to go to my university to recruit - it actually went quite well, considering that I work for a company that sells diapers (among other things) so the kind of goods that are not exactly the dream of your average engineer. Apart from the presentation I also had a chance to meet with Alina, who has been growing her hair really long (which probably tells me that I haven't seen her for way too long). And then I bought some dvds and dutifully collapsed on the sofa at 9:30 watching a movie called corporation, which looked interesting but made me sleep after 10 minutes. The best part of the trip, however, was the drive to the airport on Monday afternoon - it started snowing like crazy and it was pitch dark, so I felt like the guy at the end of 2001 space odissey, with all the snow flakes coming out of nowhere and flying straight in the window of poor Jean Jacques. Too bad I didn't have the hair soundtrack otherwise it would have been quite psychedelic. So now I am completely tired and need my bed badly. Ciaociao

Sunday, November 23, 2008

hell, this is early

miei cari, what the hell am I doing up so early? Good question, so since I am awake anyway I will tell you what happened in my weekend. So Thursday (which is not exactly weekend, but whatever) we went to the kooks concert. The concert was pretty good, even though I fear we increased the average age of 5 years. It was really funny to see all these teenage kids (read girls) going crazy for the band - but at least it is an improvement, since at the same age we were going crazy for junk boy bands. After that, and after around 4-5 beers, we decided to end up in Sachsehausen for some drinks, as if we needed them. After the drinks, the guys decided to go home (all of them live in Sachsenhausen) and I start looking for a taxi. After 2-3 minutes it dawns on me that I have 1 euro and 30 cents, and no ATM card with me. And that I don't have the phone number of any of the people I was with. So, after considering some possibility, I decide that I am young enough and it's not too cold, and I walk home. Thanks god I was intelligent enough not to go through the red light district, that would have been funny. Anyway, Alba 1 : stranglers/rapers/robbers 0. And I met a girl called Alex, a friend of Luke, who makes really nice handbags. Go see her online, nice Xmas gifts.
After that, on Friday my friend Gió arrived from Duesseldorf, nearly escaping a snow storm and we got ready to go see the Foals. Ladies and gentlemen, they are GOOD. It was an extremely nice concert, they play really well and it was a proper rock concert - with people stage diving and jumping. The only problem is that apparently all of them, and especially the guitarist, were drunk like cauliflowers. So at a certain point, in the middle of the song, the guitarist pukes on stage. And, ladies and gentlemen, he keeps on playing and jumping. Rock 'n'roll!!! Well, the only bad thing was that the concert was short, 1 hour or something like that, probably they figured out that they would have collapsed on stage and decided to call it a day. But still, go see them if you have a chance. After that we went to Naka's place to drink some wine and then went to bed because it started snowing. Then yesterday it was a nice quiet day, I took Gió to DOM and Kontrast and I bought all sort of junk (a pig-mask, a plastic inflatable Xmas tree, a form to make skull-shaped ice cubes, a pair of very white and very large sunglasses, ...). And then we ended up cooking at Gaborno's place but we had to leave early because Gió had to start driving back to Italy this morning early (that's why I am awake so early, unfortunately no big stories of weird nights out).
Well, I assume now I will go back to bed. ciaociao

Thursday, November 20, 2008

the kookiest thing you have ever seen

emotion dancing bondage embarassing misty

Saturday, November 15, 2008

someone wants some cheese?

miei cari, yesterday I had Jack and Jasmina over for dinner to eat the stinky French cheese. Problem is that I bought so much that I still have the fridge full of it, so I assume we need to make a "stinky French cheese night 2" pretty soon. That said, tonight I went out with the girls to get sushi at an event called Frankfurt in motion. People were nice, even though we ended up chatting with the girls and talking about tit-lifting bras and what I am supposed to wear: Maria suggests that I lift my tit nearly to my chin, hence the discussion about the tit-lifting bra. Well, I assume I will just go for some high heels, the kind of stuff that after you wear them for 2 hours you want to amputate your feet. And perhaps I also go get a nice massage. And some books. And some dvds. Whatever.
Next week it's going to be concert time: for some reason, we are having decent groups coming to play in Frankfurt. So on Thursday I will go see the kooks (funny name, given the circumstances, really) and then on Friday the foals. And since I am at it, I also want to go to the hairdresser on Friday, da daaaaaa, so perhaps I take half a day off.

Monday, November 10, 2008

the cheese is stinking, long live the cheese!

miei cari, I have decided that this Wednesday I will invite everyone over to gorge ourselves on stinky French cheese. You might think that I am an extremely nice girl for inviting everyone to eat at my place, but the reality is that this morning I opened the fridge and I nearly fainted for the horrible smell that came out. So that's it for the culnary experience.
So what happened this weekend? As you know, we went to visit Preeti. She had cooked a full wok of cauliflower and peas assuming that the guys were coming as well so she thought she would have a lot of left overs. No no no noooo. I think we probably left 1 pea, which just proves that it was extremely good. And our Preeti looks very good, and actually went to bed last or nearly - probably helped by the fact that being pregnant she could not drink the outrageous amount of wine that we drank. So it was very nice, good gossip, nice atmosphere. And we are going to get a little Preeti soon!!!! We felt pretty bad about Sameer though, with the house full of girls. But it's not our fault if the guys decided to stay home.
So what happened after that? Pretty much nothing - uff
by the way, answering to the question from Gaborno on how I figured out that Paritosh has a blog: simply, he is my follower! So basically the other day I open my blog and I see that I have 1 follower. I don't know why they define them as such, but it gives you this nice feeling of Alba the emperess of the universe:)

Saturday, November 08, 2008

get off my way bastard

miei cari, i am in the car with jasmina, yara and simone and we are stuck in the second queue of the day on the highway. Is it possible that there is a baby boom in germany and all of there guys are going to baby showers? Possibly not, so i don't know what the hell they are doing on my way. In the meantime yara is trying to find some normal songs on my ipod, poor girl... Good thing that we bought sufficient junk food so not only we will be late but also fat. The girls do not feel like sharing their thoughts with the world so that's it for today. Preeti, we come!!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Paritosh has a blog!!!!

NEWS OF THE DAY: I have just found out that Paritosh has a blog. Now the question is: why didn't he tell us?? Anyway, very well written and very interesting, so go give a look. By the way, I have added his blog in the links on the right for you to check it regularly.

back from Frooonce

miei cari, I have just arrived back home from Froooonce, or, for those of you that don't know how to pronounce things properly, from France. So what did I do there? Work. But this time I will tell you something about what happened because it was pretty entertaining. So my colleague and I arrive in the middle of nowhere near Dijon (pronounced Dee-joooooooon) yesterday night and this morning we go to visit the equipment vendor. We arrive there and we are welcomed by the German sales guy - anonymous guy whose existance we will forget immediately - and then we get introduced to the owner. You might imagine the owner of a family-run company as an older man with gray hair thinning on the sides, white shirt and perfectly ironed suit. Well, being Froooonce, you would be completely and utterly wrong. So the guy is probably 45 years old, with long greyish hair, long sideburns, shaved last time 3 days ago, wears jeans and some very pointy cowboy boots. Basically, we go to talk to the owner and we end up with the twin of John Lennon. And then we go see the machine and the guy starts playing with it while smoking a gitane without filter. So after lunch we wanted to buy some fromaaaaaage and he takes us to this place, he tells us which cheese to buy (so now if I open my fridge I become blond again from the smell, this obviously before chocking to death) and then, since we wanted also to get some wine, he disappears and comes back after 10 minutes with 2 bottles of pinot noir grand cru from 1999 from his 3000+ wine bottles collection. This is life, madame et monsieur.
That said, tomorrow I will see how tired I am and then decide whether I will make a fool of myself or not. And then saturday we go visit our Preeti!!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

getting better

miei cari, eventually I got over the loss of 250 euros. How? By getting a new pair of shoes:) They look pretty hippy, apart from the 9cm heel that would have caused breakage of both ankles in case I decided to go to Woodstock. Very nice. So what did I do this week? I was in Spain for a mega meeting with all sort of people, which meant working a lot and then at night being very sociable (everything somewhat fuelled by 1866, which is a very good brandy). So basically I slept an average of 4 hours and now am in deep need of a manicure, a pedicure and a massage.
What else? Well, there are the US presidential elections, and I am very curious to see if they will really elect a black guy - I remember once being in a bar with some plant guys in Wisconsin and the comments they had... But better than voting for the lady, she is pretty clueless. Talking about clueless, yesterday night I was reading some old comments regarding our (i.e. Italian) minister for equal opportunities and the fact that apparently our prime minister was recorded on the phone saying that the lady gave him a blow job - which could explain a loooot of things.
Now I go get a shower and then meet with the guys in the city.