Frankfurt Pig

Saturday, June 21, 2008

we get a small Preeti!!!!

miei cari, these last 2 days I had Preeti visiting. The very good news is that she will have a baby in December!!! I can't wait to know whether it's a boy or a girl (hopefully a girl, but whatever it is I don't care), so that I can getting all sort of junk for him/her. I am very happy for her and for Sameer. We should start thinking about embarassing names for the kid:-)
That said, here in Germany we are in full european championship frenzy. First of all Germany managed to kick out Portugal: too bad for Portugal, but to be honest if you are on average 15cm shorter than the other team you should really rethink yout strategy of trying to score with the head. The misteries of football... And then yesterday night there was an extremely boring game, Croatia vs. Turkey. It became interesting only in the last 2 minutes of the additional time, when Croatia scored, after 1 minute Turkey scored, they went to penalties and Croatia made a disaster (2 balls out and one blocked by the Turkish goalkeeper). So now next Wednesday there is going to be Germany vs. Turkey as semifinal, which could easily evolve into a civil war here in Germany. I assume I will leave my car in the company parking lot, before someone decides to scratch it (or burn it, you never know). The funny thing is that some extremely intelligent German newspapers are already boasting the fact that Germany will beat Turkey, which proves that the Germans really do not understand the basic rules of bad luck - while I assume Turkish people know them very well, I would like to know what kind of voodoo they made in the last 3 games to win like that - In the meantime Italy managed to beat France (thanks god), it also was a pretty boring match, even considering that the only decent French player cracked his knee in the first minutes and we got a penalty because a guy tried to kill Luca Toni in front of the goal - as if he would have scored...
And tonight we have Maria's bday party, with the clear objective of getting wasted completely. I think we can do that.

Monday, June 16, 2008

entrepan amb fromatge

miei cari, I've just come back from Barcelona, and Turkey has just got qualified for the second round of the european football (the real thing, so if zou are American please read soccer) championship so there is a huge mess in the streets right now.
So what happened in Barcelona?
1. obviously! If you see a girl walking at 2 in the morning, when it's not very warm and they have washed all the streets (so you walk and you very likely end up in a pond), with a short dress, sleeveless, shivering from cold but perfectly made up, with perfect hairstyle, made by passing a hot iron for hours to make it straight - well, where does she come from? The US, obviously! If you see guys going around with an invicta backpack, making idiot comments - well, where do they come from? Italy, obviously! If you see a guy on the beach with a Borat swimsuit (or whatever you want to define that atrocious garment), making pictures and playing football with his balls banging right and left (and let me tell you, that is NOT sexy) - well, where does he come from? England, obviously! (even though we were thinking also about Australia and/or New Zealand, for very stereotipical reasons, like guys getting cheap beer and getting embarassigly drunk).
2. a chupito (trasnsation: shot) for free after you first drink is not a good idea. Especially if the first drink is a mojito with a shitload of alcohol inside. And the second drink, after the chupito, being a gin and tonic with way more gin than tonic.
3. after living 4-something years in Germany, you need to remember that your skin is not used to sun anymore. So you MUST put some sun protection. Or you end up with completely burnt legs (and tomorrow at work I will have to wear a skirt otherwise I cry for pain every time the fabric touches the back of my legs)
4. tattoos and piercings are cool - well, at least some of them - the question being: how can you have piercing in you lower back? You had a transplant?? Brrrr, scary
5. how do you make a tortilla de patatas (hopefully it is spelt wthis way)? I am not telling you, but now I know how (thanks Leire!!)
6. I bought the most fantastic and useless watch in history (looks very cool but you cannot read the time if it's not dark).
7. you are very wrong, as wrong as a coocoo hur from Switzerland. Because, dear ignorant readers, coocoo watches - those annoinng watches where a bird comes out making all sort of stupid noises every hour - is not from Switzerland but from the Schwarzwald (which, my dear super ignorant readers, is in Germany)
8. never bet when you are drunk (this is a lesson taught, not learnt, since I learnt a loooong time ago)
9. tomatoes need real sun to be good - so I am sorry my dear Dutch readers (assuming any Dutch people read this), but your tomatoes SUCK
10. my goal keeper has hands and feet like paella pans (and there goes your penalty, lousy Romanian player!)
11. it is painful when you figure out that you should have saved some money to go see Radiohead before - because, my dear readers, they are simply good.
12. it is too late to get a third earring on your left ear when you are nearly 29. Or also, if I anyway decide to get an additional one, I'd better get it far from the other 2 (good excuse that I have small ears).
13. bocadillo con queso, also called (in Catalan) entrepan amb fromatge (or, in English, sandwich with cheese) is f a n t a s t i c

I go to bed. Go, Turkey, go!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


miei cari, I am in the hostel in Barcelona. Gaborno is waiting for Mario to answer back and perhaps meet later tonight, unless he collapses.In any case, we did a lot, including getting sun burnt (can hardly walk). And we started betting on the nationality of the people we see on the streets. We started with a guy after the radioead concert. The guy had all sort of tags of drinks hanging from his jeans. Gaborno and I see him, then a taxi passes by and the guy, pissed drunk like hell, says something in pure English accent - including "chap". So where does a completely drunk guy come from, when he is hanging out in Spain and shouting at taxi drivers? England. Obviously.
Let´s see what happens.

Monday, June 09, 2008

hit me baby one more time

miei cari, I am getting worried about quoting britney shitears so many times. Well, there goes your popular culture, you morons. Anyway, Italy lost 3:0 with Holland. I was suggesting we got mine their dams, but all the people were light hearted. No big deal, we enjoy getting hurt (also another very goood song from NIN'- aka nine ince snails). Whatever - and I am not trying to write here since I am sort of drunk - e la moglie di van basten fa la troia ad amsterdam.
shame... shit...

Sunday, June 08, 2008

German charme

miei cari, I would like to go to bed right now but Germany has just won the match against Poland and they are making a mess with the cars, so I could stay in bed looking to the ceiling and swearing at them (it's the first match of the European championship) or stay here and write. Guess what I chose. I guess Polish people right now are cursing whoever was at the government 20 years ago, since the guy who scored both goals for Germany was born in Poland and his parents emigrated around 20 years ago. Life is strange, sometimes. That said, tomorrow Italy plays and I am getting nervous.
Anyway, yesterday night we went to a wine fest somewhere close to Mainz. The place was really good, and the riesling was also OK (considering that we drank no less than 5 bottles and this morning I could still get out of bed without feeling like I had to puke my soul). Moreover, I once more experienced the charme of German men: basically we were at a table with our bottles of riesling in front of us when this old guy comes to me and starts whispering things in my ear. When I asked him to repeat, he came up with "when you have riesling in your blood, you fuck like a turkey". What made me wonder is: why like a turkey? Wikipedia does not seem to offer any solution to this doubt that has been tormeting me ever since: so, dear readers, if you have any clue why a turkey's sexual intercourse is so remarkable, please let me know.
And now, crazed Germans permitting, I will go get my deserved rest.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

warm and sunny

miei cari, this weekend the weather has been extremely good (well, yesterday morning it was pouring rain, but then the sun came out and everything was fine). So we went out with the Italian gang, then Carlo and Mariella stayed at my place - overcoming the disgust at the mess that I have in my flat with a generous portion of pasta with my mum's pesto - and then the plan was to go to the erotik messe. So we arrive there, lured by the posters announcing the presence of Donna Colada, who google tells us has starred in a masterpiece movie called Spermabad (something like a bath of sperm), whose cover shows her with a very open and silicon-injected mouth with some sort of white liquid inside. Perhaps the weather was hot also when she was shooting the movie and she felt like having ice cream. Or maybe not. Anyway, we arrive there and we find out that the ticket was 25 euros, so we decide, with extreme sadness, to postpone our encounter with Donna and to go to the river instead. And also because the entrance had carpet on the ground, and for some reason I started believing that I could get all sort of diseases. Well, all in all better like this, so that I won't get disappointed by the comparison (and I am talking about men, my dears, not myself). So now I am at home waiting for the 3rd washing machine to finish and then go to bed that tomorrow I have to go to work (argh).